Welcome to the RWSC Scheduling Office web page.
To reserve a room in the RWSC or Ida Waldran Auditorium:
A) Visit our online scheduling service: Virtual Event Management System (VEMS)
B) Complete the:
- Student Center Room Reservation Form
- Student Center Outside Space Request Form
- Ida Waldran Reservation Form
- Table Reservation Form
- Ferguson Chapel Reservation Form
and E-mail the completed form to scscheduling@uca.edu or bring it to our office (SC 206B).
IMPORTANT: To fill out forms, please download and open in Adobe rather than opening in the web browser.
After your reservation has been processed, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Below are links to forms and other helpful information:
Updated Fee Schedule and No-Show Policy Information
Approval to Solicit (Commercial)
Approval to Solicit (Student Organizations)
Board of Trustees Policy 400 – University Facilities – Scheduling, Use and Rental
Board of Trustees Policy 406 – Free Speech