Robert Hall
Adjunct Instructor of English
(501) 852-2064
Robert Hall (MA, University of Central Arkansas) is an Adjunct Instructor of English in the School of
Language and Literature, as well as the Curriculum and Technology Coordinator in UCA’s Office of the
Registrar. As a result, he encourages student success on two fronts: academically and administratively.
He is an alumnus of both the BA and MA English programs at UCA. His primary focus is on teaching
American literature, particularly Modernism, Postmodernism, and contemporary literature in the 20 th
and 21 st centuries. Some of his major goals as an instructor of English are to spread the joys of learning
about literature and to highlight literature’s ability to connect readers both to each other and to authors
and their unique perspectives. To achieve this goal, he emphasizes intertextuality and the
intersectionality of various societal and cultural perspectives that arise in much of American literature.