News & Events Blog

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Instructor, Deven Dyer and Dr. Art Gillaspy

Congratulations to the 2022 Student Recognition Ceremony award winners! Olyvia Gonzalez, Pearl McGowan-Hanna, Dylan Garrison, department chair Dr. Art Gillaspy, Greta Hacker, Chelsey Bull, Merritt Tate.

Billy and Terry Smith Outstanding Graduate Student in Mental Health Counseling, Faith Reynolds and Dr. Kevin Rowell

Dr. Ron Bramlett and Billy and Terry Smith Outstanding Graduate Student in School Psychology, Lorianne Graves

Dr. Bill Lammers and Richard Allen Scott Outstanding Psychology Student Finalist Ryan Liew

Dr. Bill Lammers and Richard Allen Scott Outstanding Psychology Student Finalist Sage Wilson

Dr. Bill Lammers and Richard Allen Scott Outstanding Psychology Student Cassandra Alise Holloway

Richard Allen Scott Outstanding Psychology Students Ryan Liew, Cassandra Alise Holloway, and Sage Wilson

Former student Kaylen Wood recognized in national magazine

Congratulations to Kaylen Wood (Psychology BS – 2012) for being named one of the 2017 25 Emerging Training Leaders by Training magazine, the source for professional development!

UCA Psi Chi selected as Model Chapter for 10th year in a row

We were recently notified that the UCA chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was selected as a 2016 – 2017 Model Chapter award. Only 42 of more than 1,200 chapters internationally receive this distinction. This is the 10th consecutive year that our chapter has received this distinction.

Congrats to the Psi Chi Officers and Dr. Charlton!

Dr. Heather Martens to join others in presentation on concept mapping

Dr. Heather Martens and co-presenters from PT, OT, Health Sciences, and Nursing have had a presentation accepted at the Collaborating Across Borders conference in Alberta, Canada in October 2017. The title of their presentation is:
Concept mapping: An example of effective instructional practice in IPE case study forums

Congrats to all!

Dr. Femina Varghese and Kendra Anderson have article accepted for publication

Varghese, F. P., Anderson, K. M., Cummings, D. L., & Fitzgerald, E. (in press). The offender job search self-efficacy scale: Development and initial validation. Psychological Services

Congrats to both!

Dr. Alberto Soto to join our department as Assistant Professor this Fall

We are excited that Dr. Alberto Soto has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Psychology in our department. Dr. Soto will begin this Fall semester and will be an integral member of our Counseling Psychology graduate programs.

Matt Pickard successfully defends his dissertation

Matthew Pickard – Diagnostic Overshadowing, Essentialism, and Intellectual Disability: Lay Persons’

Perceptions – Co-Chairs: Dr. Elson Bihm and Dr. Dong Xie

Nick Mitrani successfully defends his dissertation

Nick Mitrani – Examining the Relationship Between Victimization History, Resiliency Factors, and Trauma-Related Symptoms Using Structural Equation Modeling – Chair: Dr. Kevin Rowell

Russ House accepted into PhD program

Congratulations to Russell House (BS Psych 2006; MS Counseling Psych 2012) for being accepted into the Human Factors and Applied Cognition PhD program at North Carolina State University!

Drs. Lammers & Gillaspy publish article in Teaching of Psychology

Congrats to Dr. Bill Lammers, Dr. Art Gillaspy, and former undergraduate student Felicia Hancock for publishing an article in the journal Teaching of Psychology.

Lammers, W. J., Gillaspy Jr., J. A., & Hancock, F. (2017). Predicting academic success with early, middle, and late semester assessment of student-instructor rapport. Teaching of Psychology, 44, 145-149.


Jon Nolan, Sarah Lindeman, and Dr. Alex Maragakis to publish article

Counseling Psychology doctoral students, Jon Nolan and Sarah Lindeman, along with Dr. Alex Maragakis (now at Eastern Michigan University) had a manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. Citation below.
Congrats to all!
Maragakis, A., Nolan, J., & Lindeman, S. (in press) Adding a functional utility score to the evaluation of behavioral health screens in integrated care settings: What’s all the FUS about?. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science