About the Program | Volunteers | FAQs | WE-CARE Network | Register
FAQs for Families
How do I register for the UCA Bears for CARE respite care events?
Caregivers of children with special healthcare needs may register for upcoming events here or sign up for our mailing list to learn when opportunities are posted.
Do I have to register for each UCA Bears for CARE event separately?
No. With this program you only have to register once for all UCA Bears for CARE events. We will ask you when you arrive if there are any additional information, updates or changes that need to be made to the registration. We will give you the opportunity to confirm the details in your registration form annually in case of any changes.
I have older children (pre-teen and teen). Do you have a separate place for activities for older children?
Yes! Depending on the needs of the registrants for UCA Bears for CARE events, we will provide alternate activities and locations near the UCA Child Study Center on the UCA campus for older children. UCA Bears for CARE volunteers and staff will escort those students to and from the other locations so that parents will still have one place to pick up their children. If special arrangements need to be made for pick up and drop off, please contact Jeannine at jeannine.hamilton@gmail.com or Lesley at lgraybeal@uca.edu
Are there other respite care events in this area?
Yes! UCA Bears for CARE is part of the WE-CARE Network (Working towards Essential Central Arkansas Respite kid carE). This Network is a group of partner organizations helping to provide free respite care events in the central Arkansas area for families with special health care needs children and their siblings. Hopefully with all of the partners’ efforts central Arkansas will eventually have at least 1-2 respite care events each month of the year! For more information about other partners providing great respite care events, please make sure to visit the WE-CARE Network website.
If I have more questions, who do I contact?
Please contact Jeannine Hamilton at jeannine.hamilton@gmail.com or Lesley Graybeal at lgraybeal@uca.edu
FAQs for Volunteers
What kind of training is involved?
All volunteers will be asked to arrive at the respite care event an hour and a half early for an orientation, which will cover basic information such as emergency procedures, sensitivity to diversity, and volunteer roles and responsibilities. Students from the UCA department sponsoring the event will be receive more in-depth preparation for working with children with specific healthcare needs.
Am I required to get a background check?
Yes, volunteers who have not already received a background check as part of their major program of study will be asked to consent to a background check.
Who should volunteer?
A Bears for CARE respite event will provide excellent pre-professional experience for any student interested in working with children as a career, as well as students whose goal is to enter a healthcare profession. Any student who is interested in spending a few hours having fun with kids is also welcome!
How should I prepare prior to the event?
All volunteers must submit an application form to participate. For the safety of the children and families being served, volunteers who show up the day of the event without having an application approved will not be able to participate.
How should I dress the day of the event?
Volunteers should wear comfortable clothing that would be suitable for light messes and layers for indoor and outdoor play.
Can I bring a friend/group with me?
Volunteers are welcome to invite their friends or groups to participate, but please make sure that everyone in your group submits the application form by the volunteer application deadline. All volunteers will need to have passed a background check prior to the event.
Can I take photos throughout the day and post them on social media?
No! We appreciate your excitement to be a part of this event. However, for the safety and privacy of the children and families that we serve, volunteers are respectfully asked not to take photographs or post any information on social media about individual children participating in the event.