Senior Brooke Long is spearheading efforts at Mayflower Elementary to connect kids to their food. This year Brooke gathered donations, researched curriculum, talked with teachers, met with faculty and principals, and created the framework for a school garden program. She has also planned a plate waste study in the schools to see if gardening will help decrease the amounts of wasted fruits and vegetables at lunch. Way to lead by example Brooke!
NFS @ UCA Blog
Recruiting High School Students for FACS
UCA’s Upward Bound Project provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in pre-college performance and ultimately in higher education pursuits. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rates at which participants enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education. We work with students from Bigelow, Mayflower, Morrilton, Nemo Vista and Perryville high schools.
Say Yes to FCS Celebration
Mary Smith, FACS teacher at Manila High School came to talk to UCA students about a career as a FACS educator. Mrs. Smith has been a FACS educator for about 33 years and still enjoys going to work each day. She shared a day in her life, organization tips, and career advice for current FACS Education students as well as potential students who are interested in a career in FACS. She serves on numerous committees both in her district and state-wide so she brought a wealth of knowledge to the event. Currently there is a critical shortage in Arkansas for FACS Educators so UCA is trying to help prepare students to have a wonderful fulfilling career by celebrating the national campaign of “Say Yes to FCS” put on by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Swallowing Isn’t As Easy As You Think
The speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, and dietetics programs came together for a combined lecture and lab led by Dr. Towino Paramby, Dr. Veronica Rowe, and Dr. Nina Roofe. The lecture emphasized the importance of interprofessional collaboration in the healthcare setting. Topics covered included dysphagia, assistive devices used for eating, specific modified diets, scope of practice, and interprofessional collaboration.
We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We DO!!!!
And The Excellence in Design Silver Award Goes To….
Kaki Hockersmith, Interior Design student, and Adrienne Meachum, Adjunct Faculty in Interior Design received the American Society of Interior Design (ASID) South Central Chapter 2016 Excellence in Design Silver Award in the Kitchen Remodel Division. Congratulations Mrs. Meachum and Ms. Hockersmith!