NFS @ UCA Blog

Check out the FACS Newsletter for Fall 2015


Make sure to check out the latest edition of our FACS Newsletter and learn all about the 28th Annual FACS Alumni Luncheon. President Courtway, Dean Ishee, and Dr. Runge were all present to award honors and scholarships. We would love to share with our students what our alumni are doing! Please email or call us to let us know where you are and what you’re doing!




Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Day – December 3rd

For 2015, AAFCS is continuing with the theme, “Dining In” for Healthy Families, and the goal of the campaign is to double 2014 results and receive 200,000 commitments to“Dining In.” 

December 3rd was chosen as Family & Consumer Sciences Day to honor family and consumer sciences pioneer and AAFCS founder Ellen Swallow Richards (December 3rd is her birthday).

To reach the goal of 200,000 commitments, everyone needs to participate—even if it’s just a small simple action. On behalf of the AAFCS Board of Directors, we are asking you to commit to “Dining In” on December 3rd.


Get Yours Now: AAFCS T-Shirts

Our AAFCS Officers have come up with a fabulous shirt design for this school year and we’re now taking orders. If you would like one, please order from this link by November 9th. They are $15.30 and you may pay online. Once they’re completed we’ll get it to you!

Volunteer to fill a CASA Stocking

Each year AAFCS fills CASA stockings as a service project. Make sure to get involved and volunteer to fill a stocking for a foster child! Sign up on Ms. Lindsey’s door (McAlister 112) by writing your name next to the age/gender of the child that you would like to provide for.

There are children of all ages in need of a little Christmas cheer, and you could help provide that! Remember the items must fit in a stocking and keep it under $10.

Please bring your items no later than November 20th to Ms. Lindsey (MAC 112) or Dr. Ryburn (MAC 100) in a bag/sack labeled with your name and the age/gender of the child you bought for.


Help Celebrate National FOOD DAY 2015

Food Day

AAFCS Meeting 10-27-15

AAFCS Meeting.emf

Attention Students Interested in Jobs with Extension

Please see below for a list of open positions with Extension.

Extension Jobs

Nutrition Career Fair

Senior Seminar Students are hosting a Nutrition Career Fair in the Mirror Room on October 19th.

There will be representatives from several area employers as well as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Student Dietetic Association and the Campus Dietitian Emily Hayes there to answer questions about our career. Nutrition Career Fair

Healthy Dining at UCA

Be sure to check out the video for healthy dining at UCA!!



September is National Food Safety Month

FACS students in NUTR 4321 celebrated National Food Safety Month by competing with posters. Students had 20 minutes and only construction paper, markers, glue, tape, and scissors. See what amazing posters they made below:

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