FACS Editorial

As this semester comes to an end, students are turning in projects and the finals rush is upon us. As I reflect on the semester, my first back at UCA as a professor, I think about what went well, what didn’t, and how I will improve. The students really impact us and I’m not sure if they know it or not.

When I look at some of the images of things that occurred over the semester I am absolutely humbled by what they can accomplish. Individually and collectively, every student I have had makes a difference. They are someone’s child, sister, brother, mom, dad, friend…..they are everything to someone. I hope they know how remarkable they are and that their dreams are achievable.  “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”  -Theodore Roosevelt


Community Nutrition, Junior Brooke Long, planned, retrieved donations, prepped, help prepare and serve 115 dinners for those that needed it on Thanksgiving




Community Nutrition, Junior Brooke Long, planned, retrieved donations, prepped, help prepare and serve 115 dinners for those that needed it on Thanksgiving



Semester long Menu Project Completion Party!

Students selected consumer goods to upcycle, recycle, and redesign into a product that has new life and use!

Students selected consumer goods to upcycle, recycle, and redesign into a product that has new life and use!

Students re-invented the color wheel with edible icing and vanilla wafers.

Students re-invented the color wheel with edible icing and vanilla wafers.