The Norbert O. Schedler Honors College will be hosting the first annual Issues in the Public Square event on Saturday, March 11, 2017.
Issues in the Public Square is a symposium-style event to be held each Spring to provide an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and the broader community to share research that impacts our society. Please consider submitting proposals to share your research or creative work. The goal of this event is to begin a meaningful dialogue and to help advance our understanding of issues of public concern.
Each year a theme and keynote speaker will be selected to represent a critical issue being faced at present within our society. In partnership with the Office of Diversity and Community, this year’s theme is “Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities.” The keynote speaker for this event is Rev. Irene Monroe, who will be speaking on the intersection of faith, race, and sexual orientation. Rev. Monroe is a celebrated scholar and activist. She is an ordained minister, religion columnist, public theologian, and motivational speaker. As an African American feminist theologian, she speaks for a sector of society that is frequently invisible. You can learn more about her here.
Though students are encouraged to submit proposals to research or creative work that addresses an issue of public concern, it is not necessary that the proposal fit the specific theme. Presentation types can include 15-minute paper presentations, 40-minute research panels, poster presentations, or creative works (music, drama, art, etc.).
There will be no registration fee for the Issues in the Public Square event, but there will be a deadline by which to register. Registration will open in January and will be limited to the first 300 participants. Announcements for which presentations have been selected will also be made in January.
This year’s event will conclude with a benefit concert, LollapaLucie, being organized by the students of the Schedler Honors College to benefit Lucie’s Place. Lucie’s Place is a non-profit organization that provides homeless LGBTQ young adults in Central Arkansas with safe living environments, job training, and counseling services. You can learn more about the organization here. The concert is free and open to the public with a recommended donation of $10.