Current UCA and Transfer Student Applicants

The Schedler Honors College Application for Track II students will be open from January 15-April 1

Welcome to the Norbert O. Schedler Honors College!

While the majority of students admitted to the Schedler Honors College join us as incoming freshmen, about 10% of our students join us as second-year college students and a growing number join the Schedler Honors Program after completing an honors program at a two-year college. Rather than the four-year curriculum that the traditional student participates in, we have a special three-year and two-year curriculum for the students we refer to as “Track II” or “Honors to Honors” students. The Track II program was created to give additional students the educational opportunities that the Schedler Honors College offers while also creating a more diverse community. The  Honors to Honors (H2H) program allows students who took part in an honors program at a two-year institution to transfer into the Schedler Honors Program and become part of the honors community at UCA.  Whether non-traditional students, international students, or students who did not learn about the Schedler Honors College or Program before starting UCA, Track II and H2H students are an essential part of our learning community.