Upcoming Classes

For questions, contact the Department Chair at 501-450-5636 or soconnell@uca.edu.
For courses beyond the next immediate semester, please refer to our Future Course plan.

Upcoming courses  (OL indicates Online course)
Fall 2024

1305 – Principles of GeographyOL (selected sections)
1320 – Human GeographyOL (selected sections)
1400 – Earth Systems ScienceOL (selected sections)
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – GIS I (Cartography)
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3319 – Field Techniques
3333 – Natural Hazards
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4391 – Research Seminar

Prior semester courses  (OL indicates Online course)
Spring 2024

1305 – Principles of GeographyOL (selected sections)
1320 – Human GeographyOL (selected sections)
1400 – Earth Systems ScienceOL (selected sections)
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
3306 – Remote Sensing & Image Interp.
3318 – Biogeography
3325 – Urban & Regional Planning
3335 – Geography of Europe & Russia
3351 – Weather & Climate
3403 – Intro to GIS
3404 – Geographic Information Analysis

Fall 2023

1305 – Principles of GeographyOL (selected sections)
1320 – Human GeographyOL (selected sections)
1400 – Earth Systems ScienceOL (selected sections)
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – GIS I (Cartography)
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation
3319 – Field Techniques
4304 – Water Resources
4305 – Soils
4308 – Oceanography
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2022

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems ScienceOL (selected sections)
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
3306 – Introduction Remote Sensing & Image Interpretation
3318 – Biogeography
3325 – Urban & Regional Planning
3335 – Geography of Europe & Russia
3403 – Intro to GIS
3404 – Geographic Information Analysis

Fall 2021

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3300 – World Regional GeographyOL
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3361 – Geography of Landforms
3403 – Geographic Information Systems
4304 – Water Resources
4305 – Soils
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2021

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science(OL – Selected sections)
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3315 – Geography of Latin AmericaOL
3318 – BiogeographyOL
3371 – Urban Geography
3403 – Intro to GIS
3404 – Geographic Information Analysis

Fall 2020

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography OL
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
3403 – Geographic Information Systems
4391 – Research Seminar

Summer 2020

1320 – Human GeographyOL

Fall 2019

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3361 – Landforms
3381 – Political GeographyOL
3403 – Intro to GIS
4390 – Historical Geography of the United States
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2019

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional GeographyOL
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3318 – Biogeography
3371 – Urban Geography
3403 – Intro to GIS
3404 – Geographic Information Analysis

Fall 2018

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3305 – Economic GeographyOL
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3345 – Geography of China and East Asia
3403 – Geographic Information Systems
4304 – Water Resources
4305 – Soils
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2018

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3315 – Geography of Latin AmericaOL
3325 – Urban and Regional PlanningOL
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3403 – Geographic Information Systems
3404 – Geographic Information Analysis

Fall 2017

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3305 – Economic GeographyOL
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3351 – Weather and Climate
3361 – Geography of Landforms
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
3381 – Political Geography
3403 – Geographic Information Systems
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2017

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS In Practice: Environmental Applications
3318 – Biogeography
3345 – Geography of China and East Asia
3371 – Urban Geography

Fall 2016

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2475 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3305 – Economic GeographyOL
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
4314 – Recreation and Tourism
4330 – Web Design
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2016

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3307 – GIS In Practice: Business and Social Science Applications
3315 – Geography of Latin America
3325 – Urban and Regional Planning
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards

Fall 2015

1305 – Principles of Geography
1320 – Human Geography
1400 – Earth Systems Science
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3309 – GIS in Practice: Environmental Application
3351 – Weather and Climate
3391 – Political Geography
4330 – Geographic Information Analysis
4390 – Historical Geography of the United States
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2015

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3318 – Biogeography
3319 – Geographic Field Techniques
3345 – Geography of China and East Asia
3371 – Urban Geography
4313 – Recreation and Tourism

Fall 2014

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2375 – Cartography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Geographic Information Systems
3305 – Economic Geography
3309 – GIS in Practice: Environmental Application
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
4304 – Water Resources
4330 – Geographic Information Analysis
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2014

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3346 – Geography of South Asia
4308 – Oceanography

Fall 2013

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2331 – Research Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
3325 – Urban Regional Planning
3351 – Weather and Climate
3381 – Political Geography
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2013

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3305 – Economic Geography
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3318 – Biogeography
3335 – Geography of Europe and Russia
3346 – Geography of South Asia
3371 – Urban Geography
3380 – Geography of Arkansas

Fall 2012

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
4304 – Water Resources
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4330 – Geographic Info Analysis
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2012

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3309 – GIS: Environmental
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3315 – Geography of Latin America
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
4308 – Oceanography

Fall 2011

1300 – Geography World Regions(FYS)
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Intro to GIS
3325 – Urban Regional Planning
3351 – Weather and Climate
3371 – Urban Geography
3381 – Political Geography
4330 – Geographic Info Analysis
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2011

1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3305 – Economic Geography
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3318 – Biogeography
3335 – Geography of Europe and Russia
3345 – Geography of China and East Asia
4305 – Soils

Fall 2010

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3301 – Conservation of Natural Resources
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
3315 – Geography of Latin America
4304 – Water Resources
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2010

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3361 – Geography of Landforms
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
3381 – Political Geography

Fall 2009

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2302 – Conservation and Land Use
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
3325 – Urban Regional Planning
3351 – Weather and Climate
3371 – Urban Geography
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2009

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3305 – Economic Geography
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3318 – Biogeography
3335 – Geography of Europe and Russia
3345 – Geography of China and East Asia
4305 – Soils

Fall 2008

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2302 – Conservation and Land Use
2375 – Cartography
3300 – World Regional Geography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
4304 – Water Resources
4313 – Recreation and Tourism
4390 – Historical Geography
4391 – Research Seminar

Spring 2008

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2302 – Conservation and Land Use
2330 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
2362 – World Regional Geography II
2375 – Cartography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3305 – Economic Geography
3307 – GIS: Business and Social Sciences
3315 – Geography of Latin America
3333 – Geography of Natural Hazards
3361 – Geography of Landforms

Fall 2007

1300 – Geography World Regions
1305 – Principles of Geography
1315 – Introduction to Physical Geography
1320 – Human Geography
2302 – Conservation and Land Use
2361 – World Regional Geography I
2375 – Cartography
3303 – Intro to GIS
3306 – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
3309 – GIS: Environmental
3325 – Urban Regional Planning
3351 – Weather and Climate
3371 – Urban Geography
3380 – Geography of Arkansas
3385 – Global Food Resources
4391 – Research Seminar