Michelle Smith-Richardson

Michelle is currently a first-year student at the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law. Her time in the English MA program at UCA was undoubtedly the best possible preparation for law school.

From learning how to process large amounts of complex information, to improving her research and writing skills, the courses that she took during her time at UCA started a confidence-building process that has sustained me through one of the most academically and mentally challenging periods of her life thus far. Every faculty member is passionate about helping students inside and outside of the classroom.

When she shared with her professors that she was interested in going to law school, they immediately offered their unwavering support. That support has not ended, even though she has graduated. She received a full-tuition scholarship, and was awarded “Top Paper” for her Research, Writing, and Analysis course.

She truly believes that both of these accomplishments were a direct result of her time at UCA. People often jokingly ask the question, “What will you do with an English degree?” She is convinced that the answer is: “anything you want!”