The Presidential Scholars and the Dean’s List

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

The 2022 Spring Presidential Scholars List

The 2022 Spring Presidential Scholars List

The 2022 Spring Dean's List

The 2022 Spring Dean’s List

2nd Annual Quoined Corner: CAHSS Student Research and Creative Activity Conference

Two of our Public Relations students received recognition at the CAHSS Student Research and Creative Activity Conference!

Raven Nobles made finalist for UCA’s Most Outstanding Student Award.

Riley Neil presented her honors thesis research on public relations strategies for local foster care nonprofits.

UCA Debate and Forensics Placed at 2022 IPDA Competition

UCA Debate and Forensics competed at the 2022 International Public Debate Association National Championship and brought home some wins.

Jayce Burney won 1st place in the Professional Division, 6th place Professional Speaker Award, and 4th place speaker in the Team IPDA Division. @jayce_burney

Aurora King won 6th place Speaker in the Division and received recognition as a Tournament Octafinalist. @aurora.kings

Adam Cox won 2nd place Speaker in the Division and received Tournament Quarterfinalist. @coxadam200

C. J.  Parrish won 3rd place IPDA Speaker Award as well as Varsity Division Octafinalist. @craigoryparrish

The International Public Debate Association is an interscholastic debate association with competitive programs ranging from California to Florida and from Texas to Michigan.  Their mission is to provide an opportunity for individuals to develop their advocacy skills in a forum that promotes appropriate and effective communication.

The team is coached by Associate Professor of Business Law and Director of Forensics Anthony McMullen.


PR Alum Robert Rochell Wins Super Bowl

Robert “Scoota” Rochell and his team, the Los Angeles Rams, won the 2022 Super Bowl!

Robert Rochell, a fall 2020 UCA Public Relations graduate, joined the Los Angeles Rams in 2021 after graduating a year early to prepare for the draft process.

Rochell was an All-American cornerback at UCA, and one of three Bears to ever be selected for the Senior Bowl.

2021 School of Communication Student Award Winners

The School of Communication recognized several outstanding students during its annual awards ceremony held April 14, 2022.

Principles of Communication

Olive M. Hilliard Speech Award

  • London Blackwell

First-Year Writing

WriteOn Essay Award

  • 1st place: Kyla Anderson
  • 1st runner up: Jesus Fernandez
  • 2nd runner up: Heavenlee Mitchell

Ink Wire Essay Award

  • 1st place: Shelley Wieburg
  • 1st runner up: Andre Walker
  • 2nd runner up: Aidan O. Lemley


Public Relations

Client’s Choice Award for Best Intro to PR Plan 2021

  • Paitin Baker
  • Eliza Ball
  • Sarah Lunsford

PR Pro’s Choice Award for Outstanding Mock News Conference

  • Dalton James
  • Grace Lee
  • C.J. Parrish
  • Jayce Burney

Client’s Choice Award for Best Capstone PR Plan 2021

  • Rylee Bolls
  • Emily Dye
  • Megan Franklin
  • Aurora King

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Member of the Year

  • Hannah Phillips

Alma O. Corley Award for Outstanding Student in Public Relations

  • Riley Neil



Glenn D. Smith Outstanding Student in Communication

  • Gregory Warren



Harry S. Ashmore Outstanding Journalism Award

  • Addison Freeman

Outstanding Online Student

  • ViviAnne Flora

Outstanding Broadcast Student

  • Brett Walker

Outstanding Print Student

  • Addison Freeman



Joanna Castner Post Outstanding Writing Major Award

  • Miriam Phwandaphwanda

Up-and-Coming Writing Major

  • Will McDonald

Best Scholarly Essay

  • Cameron Steed

Best Multimodal Project

  • Addison Richman

Best Community Engagement Project

  • Lexi Bratton
  • Aylssa Rieman
  • Drew Weld

PR majors create podcast

Madison Treat and Yaya Ciswondo

Madison Treat and Yaya Ciswondo, senior public relations majors, created the Raggedy Table Talks podcast in summer 2021. 


Treat, who has a minor in marketing, is a member of the Student Orientation Staff and IDEAL Freshman Leadership.
Ciswondo, who has minors in Spanish and marketing, is a member of UCA Ambassadors, Student Orientation Staff and LEAD Team. She works in the Student Life office and as a communications intern for Joshua Ang Price, a candidate for Arkansas Secretary of State.


The School of Communication caught up with Treat and Ciswondo to discuss their new endeavor — just in time for International Podcast Day.
Listen to the podcast on Spotify:

Why was the podcast started?

We started this podcast because we wanted to have a platform where we were able to connect with others during our young adulthood. It’s tough to navigate this season of life, and we want others to know that they aren’t alone in the uncertainty.

How did you come up with the name?

We honestly came up with the name in less than 30 minutes. We aren’t a polished, super professional podcast. It encompasses where we are in life–two college seniors just having recorded conversations on a raggedy table with cheap mics.

What success have you seen with the podcast?

We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback with the podcast! People have DM’d us saying that the podcast has been able to articulate their own thoughts and feelings. Others have said that we brought a lot of newfound thoughts and ideas into their lives as well.

What are the plans for the podcast moving forward?

Right now, (Yaya) is not able to be 100% committed to it this semester so I won’t be as present in the upcoming episodes, but any time that I have to dedicate to it, I’ll hop back on. Madison will be doing a new segment called “TreatTalks” and she will travel to others to record. We want people to know that Yaya is still a part of this project, so this new segment will help with that transition!

How did your PR major help you with the podcast?

Our major has helped a lot. Not only have we been well-versed with making graphics, but also being timely with our announcements! It also has helped with communicating our thoughts and ideas when we record. Being in PR helped our skills in communicating our ideas clearly. We’ve also gotten some criticism with some episodes which honestly was refreshing because it pushed us to analyze what we said and why others disagree. We always want to speak our truth while also bettering ourselves and content.

How does the podcast fit into Dr. Stephens’ SoC theme for ’21-’22: “Connection, Collaboration, Community”?

That’s the whole premise of why we started this project. We want others to feel connected whether it is with us or any of the guests that we bring on. We want to create a safe online community for people to turn to when they need advice or affirmation.

What advice would you give SoC students who want to start their own podcasts?

Pair up with your best friend. The backbone of this podcast is the friendship that Madison and I have. We have been friends for the last three years and it’s been nothing short of wholesome and filled with growth and joy. Having a healthy relationship with your co-host is essential for the success of the content! Also, invest in some quality mics!

PR alum Robert Rochell drafted into NFL

Robert “Scoota” Rochell, a fall 2020 public relations graduate, became the highest drafted player in UCA football history, going in the fourth round of the NFL Draft to the Los Angeles Rams.

Robert Rochell plays the role of a public relations spokesperson during a class assignment in spring 2019.

Rochell was an All-American cornerback at UCA, and one of three Bears to ever be selected for the Senior Bowl. He completed his PR degree requirements a year early to prepare for the draft process.


Congratulations Spring 2021 Graduates

McLemore, Niswonger selected for inaugural Teaching Excellence Institute

Dr. Dylan McLemore, assistant professor of public relations, and Laura Niswonger, lecturer II of writing, were selected for the inaugural Teaching Excellence Institute.

The institute is offered by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership and the Faculty Support Working Group that is part of the Council for Student Success. It will be held June 21-25, 2021.

Dr. Dylan McLemore and Laura Niswonger

According to CETAL, the institute will focus on four primary themes.

  • a deep dive into the characteristics of the UCA student body
  • the science of learning and memory
  • inclusive pedagogies
  • socioemotional skills.

Gardner, Brown selected for inaugural Global Learning Institute

Adriian Gardner

Adriian Gardner

Adriian Gardner, senior lecturer of communication, and Dr. Riva Brown, associate professor of public relations, were among 10 UCA faculty members selected for the inaugural Global Learning Institute scheduled for June 17, 2021.

This year’s focus will be Collaborative Online International Learning, or COIL. The Office of International Engagement is working with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership to add a COIL unit into an existing class in fall 2021 or spring 2022.