The University of Central Arkansas hosted its seventh annual Night of Distinction Saturday, April 29th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the McCastlain Ballroom.
Night of Distinction is the awards gala honoring past and present recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award and the Alumni Service Award. Proceeds from the event benefit student scholarships.
2017 Alumni Honorees:

Branscum practiced law in Arkansas for more than 50 years and served eight years as District Judge of Perry County, as well as 11 years on the Arkansas State Claims Commission, during which he served his last 6 years as Chairman. He served 10 years on the Arkansas Highway Commission.
Strong was the head football coach at the University of South Florida, two-time conference coach of the year and was later inducted into the University of Central Arkansas Hall of Fame in 2009. Since 1995, Strong has coached 15 players selected in the first round of the NFL Draft and had 37 taken in the first four rounds.
Voegele is currently in her second term on the Alumni Board of Directors where she serves on the scholarship committee. She also served as the chairman for the Class of 1962 Half Century Club Induction as well as the Alpha Sigma Tau Housing Committee.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is the most prestigious award presented to UCA alumni. It is given to alumni to recognize outstanding contribution to the university, community, state or society; outstanding achievement in a particular field of endeavor; or a reputation that enhances the reputation of the university. Recipients also serve as an example to students and contribute to the goals or welfare of the university.
The Alumni Service Award was established in 2007 to honor an individual or couple, who, through their deeds or actions, reflect and recognize the importance of the UCA Alumni Association and demonstrate extraordinary commitment, dedication, service, and loyalty to the UCA Alumni Association.