Student Course Experience Survey

This page provides or links to information useful to departments regarding the Student Course Experience Survey (formerly known as the Student Course Evaluation).

Student Course Experience Survey (SCES) Schedules
Posted for an academic year at a time (Fall, Spring, Summer)
AY 2018–2019
AY 2019–2020 (corrected)
AY 2020–2021
AY 2021–2022
AY 2022–2023
AY 2023–2024
AY 2024-2025
Student Course Experience Survey Question Set
The general SCES question set currently in use within the eXplorance Blue survey system
Question Customization
A guide for instructors who wish to provide custom/personalized questions for their courses during a particular term
Identifying Child-Parent CRNs and CRNs Exempted from Evaluation
How to identify selected CRNs in Banner. Note that the Child-Parent CRN functionality is not yet implemented in the course evaluation system. We are asking that departments continue to enter this information, since we will need it as we work to implement the functionality. (If you decide to print the linked PDF, note that it will print best on a legal-sized page.)
Where to find SCES reports (updated 2022-10-13|jag) new update
Directions to the two locations from which individual SCES reports may be retrieved, depending on the term in which the evaluation/survey was completed

Page updated: October 13, 2022