UCA Core Council


  1. To review the current UCA Core program and make appropriate recommendations to the Council of Deans.
  2. To review and recommend to the Council of Deans new and revised UCA Core curricula proposed by the various departments and colleges.
  3. To initiate and recommend policies and procedures relevant to UCA Core requirements.


  1. One department chair is elected from each of the academic colleges.
  2. Two faculty members elected from each academic college with at least one holding the rank of assistant professor or above;
  3. One faculty member elected by the Department of Student Transition faculty.
  4. One faculty member elected by the Honors College faculty.
  5. Two students are invited to serve as members of the council, one representing the Student Government Association and one representing Alpha Chi.
  6. The Assistant Provost for Academic Assessment and General Education serves as chair of the Council.
  7. The associate provost as designated by the provost, university director of assessment, director of the library and the registrar are ex-officio, non-voting members.

Each council member serves three years on a rotating basis. Students serve one-year terms. The council elects its secretary each academic year.


Term Position
Jacob Held Permanent Chair, Asst. Provost for Academic Assessment and General Education
Kurt Boniecki Ex-officio Associate Provost
Rodney Lippard Ex-officio Director of the Library/Proxy
Vicky Summers Ex-officio Registrar
Stephanie Watson 2025 Chair, COB
Vacant 2027 Chair, CSE
Wendy Lucas 2026 Chair, CAHSS
Kim Eskola 2026 Chair, CHBS
Debbie Dailey 2027 Chair, COE
Doug Voss 2026  COB
Jacob Bundrick 2027 COB
Leigh Snead 2025 CHBS
Betty Hubbard 2027 CHBS
Vacant 2027 CAHSS
Sharon Mason 2025 CAHSS
Ron Novy  2025 COE
Brandy Walthall 2026 COE
Yaqian He 2025  CSE
Marsha Massey 2026  CSE
Vacant Student Transitions
Patricia Smith 2026 Honors College
Vacant Alpha Chi
Vacant SGA


X-period the first Tuesday of each month. On call other times as needed.

Reports to


Agendas and Minutes

See https://uca.edu/core/minutes/.

Page last updated: January 20, 2022