Academic Administrator Evaluation Policy

First implemented in 2005, the policy on Evaluative Review of Academic Administrators by Faculty and Other Personnel (“academic administrator evaluation policy”) was last formally revised in 2008, although it has evolved since that time in terms of its administration and management. A new iteration of the policy is posted here:

Academic Administrator Evaluation Policy (updated 2022)

Most notably, the updated policy provides for an “almost-360 review,” wherein the academic administrator, the administrator’s supervisor, and appropriate faculty and other personnel (as specified in the policy) all respond to the same evaluative survey for each administrative role covered by the policy. The expectation is that this review from several relevant points of view leads to important conversations about effective administrative work and growth. Additionally, college associate deans are, beginning with academic year 2020-2021, evaluated under this policy for the first time.

Schedule for AY 2022–2023

(1) Department chairs/school directors and college associate dean: survey opens February 13 and closes March 12.
(2) Deans/associate provosts: survey opens April 3 and ends May 1.

Page updated: March 21, 2023