Taxi Regulations Take Consumers for a Costly Ride

By Caleb Taylor Why do local governments make new taxi companies prove they won’t take profits away from their competition? Does this kind of regulation, requiring what’s called a “Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity” (CPCN) serve the public or just current taxi businesses? That’s what former ACRE Undergraduate Research Fellow Colton Johnson and UCA […]

New Research Paper Published on Arkansas Job Creation Program — and the Results Do Not Look Good

By Caleb Taylor Does Arkansas’s Quick Action Closing Fund (QACF) increase county-level private employment and establishments? ACRE Policy Analyst Jacob Bundrick and Scholar and UCA Assistant Professor of Economics Dr. Thomas Snyder investigate this question in their academic journal article “Do Business Subsidies Lead to Increased Economic Activity? Evidence from Arkansas’s Quick Action Closing Fund” […]

Why Academic Freedom Matters

By Caleb Taylor ACRE scholars and UCA faculty, Dr. Zack Donohew, Dr. Jeremy Horpedahl, Dr. Tom Snyder and ACRE Director David “Mitch” Mitchell discussed the importance of academic freedom and the challenges it faces across the nation in an op-ed published February 26th in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. In the op-ed, they list examples of attacks […]

Bundrick Quoted In Statewide Publications On Business Subsidies

By Caleb Taylor ACRE Policy Analyst Jacob Bundrick answered questions from members of the State Agencies & Government Affairs – Senate Constitutional Issues Subcommittee on Tuesday, February 20th about Arkansas economic development incentives. Bundrick explained the conclusions of a working paper by him and ACRE Scholar Dr. Tom Snyder, UCA Associate Professor of Economics, titled […]

ACRE Scholar Horpedahl Talks Taxes, Economy on ‘Capitol View’ and “Inside Arkansas Politics”

By Caleb Taylor ACRE Scholar and UCA Assistant Professor of Economics Dr. Jeremy Horpedahl discussed the state of Arkansas’s economy and tax policy on the latest episodes of Capitol View and Inside Arkansas Politics. Horpedahl was interviewed by Jessi Turnure, KARK Political Correspondent, on Capitol View about Arkansas: The Road Map To Tax Reform, a […]

Hutchinson Calls for Top Individual Income Tax Rate to Be Cut to 6 Percent

By Caleb Taylor Governor Asa Hutchinson announced his support on Monday in an address to legislators at the beginning of the fiscal session for a reduction of Arkansas’s top individual income tax rate from 6.9 to 6 percent. This rate reduction is along the lines of one of the reform suggestions outlined by ACRE scholar […]

Are charter schools harming public school students?

By Caleb Taylor Does charter school competition harm students in traditional public schools? According to research conducted by ACRE experts, the answer is no. ACRE Policy Analyst Dr. Mavuto Kalulu, ACRE Scholar and UCA Associate Professor of Economics Dr. Thomas Snyder, and UCA Mathematics Graduate Student Saliou N. Ouattara were recently published in the Fall […]

Are Arkansas’s “Quick Action” Business Subsidies Actually Creating Jobs?

By Caleb Taylor ACRE Policy Analyst Jacob Bundrick and ACRE Scholar Dr. Tom Snyder discussed the unintended consequences and opportunity costs of Quick Action Closing Fund (QACF) spending at the State Agencies & Governmental Affairs – Senate Constitutional Issues Subcommittee on February 5th. Bundrick and Snyder explained the conclusions of their working paper titled  “Do […]

Tax Reform Task Force Cites ACRE Scholar Horpedahl

By Caleb Taylor The Arkansas Legislative Tax Reform and Relief Task Force cited UCA Assistant Professor and ACRE Scholar Dr. Jeremy Horpedahl’s work on property and sales taxes in its interim report released on December 18th. The 180 page report produced by Public Financial Management (PFM) summarizes the task force’s work so far to modernize and […]

Bundrick, Snyder To Testify To Subcommittee On Targeted Business Subsidies

By Caleb Taylor Jacob Bundrick and Dr. Tom Snyder will speak before the State Agencies & Governmental Affairs – Senate Constitutional Issues Subcommittee at 1 p.m. Monday in the Old Supreme Courtroom at the State Capitol regarding their research examining the effects of targeted business subsidies on economic growth. Bundrick and Snyder’s working paper titled […]