ACRE Review

ACRE Experts To Speak At REAL Econ for All Conference

By Caleb Taylor How do poor countries become rich countries? What can we learn about economics by thinking in terms of time instead of money? Answers to these questions and more will be the topics of presentations by ACRE experts at the REAL Econ for All Conference hosted by Economics Arkansas on July 18th and […]

The Supreme Court Just Handed States a New Power to Tax. Should Arkansas Use it?

By Caleb Taylor Will a recent Supreme Court decision on state taxation of remote online sales (like through Amazon or Etsy) help or harm Arkansas’s recent tax reform efforts? ACRE Scholar and UCA Assistant Professor of Economics Jeremy Horpedahl was quoted in two statewide outlets on Thursday, June 21st about the effect of the South […]

ACRE Director Assists St. Louis Hair Braiders In Licensing Lawsuit

By Caleb Taylor Should you need a license to braid hair? That’s the question two St. Louis businesswomen are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to consider. UCA Associate Professor of Economics and ACRE Director Mitch Mitchell is a contributor, along with five other public choice scholars, on an amicus brief in the case of Ndioba […]

Arkansas’s Property Tax is Low, But What Does That Mean For Income and Sales Tax Rates?

By Caleb Taylor Arkansas has the third highest combined state-local sales tax rate in the nation and the highest personal income tax rate of its surrounding states. But there is one area of taxation where Arkansans enjoy a relatively low burden: property taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, Arkansas has the third-lowest state and local […]

Up for Grabs: Potential for Abuse in Blight Condemnations

By Ashley Wofford “Blight condemnations” might sound like a reasonable measure to ensure community members are safe and that property that is seriously dilapidated isn’t just left to rot. But there is a danger that government officials could abuse Arkansas’s overly broad definition of blight. Furthermore, the threat of eminent domain laws being used this […]

Blurring the Lines of Public Use: Pipeline Takings

By Ashley Wofford In my blog posts “How to Reform Eminent Domain Law” and “Fair Market Value Compensation: is this the right standard” I began to look at the issues Ilya Somin addresses in his new ACRE policy brief “Ripe for Reform: Eminent Domain Law in Arkansas.” In this post, I will look into a […]

Fair Market Value Compensation: Is this the right standard?

By Ashley Wofford In my previous post, I gave an overview of ACRE’s most recent eminent domain policy brief by George Mason Professor of Law, Ilya Somin: “Ripe for Reform: Eminent Domain Law in Arkansas.” The first aspect of Arkansas eminent domain law that Somin points out as having a potential for abuse is fair […]

Learning From Other States On Tax Reform

By Caleb Taylor What can Arkansas learn from other states’ work on tax reform? UCA Assistant Professor of Economics and ACRE Scholar Jeremy Horpedahl and Nicole Kaeding, Director of Special Projects at the Tax Foundation, answer this question and more in a just-released research paper Learning from Other States’ Successes and Failures in Tax Reform. […]

How to Reform Eminent Domain in Arkansas

By Ashley Wofford It’s been thirteen years since the Supreme Court handed down its controversial ruling in Kelo v. City of New London (2005) that unleashed a wave of eminent domain reform in state legislatures across the country. Ilya Somin, Professor of Law at George Mason University teamed up with ACRE to look back at […]

Sales Tax Exemption Gimmicks Mask High State Income Taxes

By Caleb Taylor Arkansas should consider ending its counterproductive tax-exemptions, and instead lower income taxes, according to ACRE Scholar and UCA Assistant Professor of Economics Dr. Jeremy Hopedahl. Horpedahl discussed the latest tax-policy news on Capitol View this Sunday with Jessi Turnure, KARK Political Correspondent. Topics included the grocery tax exemption, back-to-school sales tax holidays, […]