FCS Day is this Saturday–will you be “Dining In”?

The 3rd Annual Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Day, “Dining In” for Healthy Families, is almost here!

If you’ve not heard of FCS Day, it is an opportunity to promote family and consumer sciences programs, tools, and professionals that support family mealtime.  We ask families to make and eat a healthy meal together on December 3rd. December 3rd was chosen to recognize AAFCS Founder Ellen Swallow Richards, first woman graduate of MIT, whose birthday was December 3rd.

To date, we have received more than 40,000 commitments to “Dining In”! But to grow our initiative and surpass last year’s 127,000+ commitments, we need you.

With FCS Day taking place this Saturday, Commit to “Dining In” on Dec. 3 at http://bit.ly/FCSday!