Putting Nutrition Focused Physical Exam To Work For You

On Friday September 30th, Dr. Roofe and two dietetic interns, Melissa Minnich and Taylor Sherrill demonstrated Nutrition Focused Physical Exam (NFPE) skills to attendees at the Northwest Arkansas District of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics fall seminar. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, NFPE is a systematic head-to-toe examination of a patient’s physical appearance and function to help determine nutritional status by uncovering any signs of malnutrition, nutrient deficiencies, or nutrient toxicities. NFPE is one of the five domains of a nutrition assessment, along with diet history, medical history, BMI, and clinical data. Earlier this year Conway Regional Medical Center hosted the first NFPE workshop in the state where attendees had the opportunity to practice on real patients during rounds with Academy trainers in very small groups (6 participants and 1 trainer) and became prepared to return to their facility and train RDN colleagues.