Glenn Jellenik

Associate Professor of English

Irby 317G

(501) 852-2064

Glenn Jellenik is Associate Professor of English at the University of Central Arkansas. He serves
as the Graduate Director for the MA in English and teaches classes on 18 th – and 19 th -century
British lit, literary theory, and film & literature. His research focuses primarily on adaptation,
specifically long-Eighteenth-century adaptation. His recent edited collection Adaptation Before
Cinema (with Lissete Lopez Szwydky. Palgrave, 2022), explores historical approaches to
adaptation before the advent of cinema. His essays, “The Origins of Adaptation, as Such: the
Birth of a Simple Abstraction” (The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies), and “An Alternate
Spirit of the Age: Rethinking Romanticism, Originality, and Adaptation” (The Keats-Shelley
Journal, Summer 2020), examine the intersections between our contemporary cultural notions of
adaptation and the Romantic period.