Alicia Cotabish, Ed.D.
Professor and Change Leadership Ph.D. Program Director
Mashburn 101
Dr. Alicia Cotabish is a Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Gifted Education at the University of Central Arkansas where she directs the Change Leadership for Equity and Inclusion Ph.D. program. She is the Past-President of the Arkansas Association of Gifted Education Administrators (AAGEA), and the recipient of the 2015 National Association for Gifted Children Early Scholar Award and 2012 Early Leader Award. She has authored, co-authored, and contributed to 100+ journal articles, book chapters, and products focused on K-20 STEM and gifted education. She has delivered numerous professional development workshops, presentations, and keynotes at local, state, national, and international venues, and serves as a National Association for Gifted Children Expert Speaker. Her recent research has focused on STEM and gifted education, and examining the effects of virtual coaching.
Curriculum Vitae
Educational Background
Professional Graduate Certificate, Harvard University, Non-profit Management (Education), 2016
Ed. D, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Education Administration & Supervision (K-12), Co-emphasis: Gifted & Talented Education Administration 2007
M. Ed., University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Gifted and Talented Education, Content Emphasis: Science Education 2003
B. S., Texas A&M-Texarkana; Interdisciplinary Studies – Elementary Education, Content/Co-emphasis: Middle School Science and English 1996
A. S., Texarkana Community College; Biology 1994
A. A. , Texarkana Community College; English 1994
Teaching Field Specialization
Gifted Education
Science Methods
Research Methods
Publications (Abbreviated)
Johnsen, S., Cotabish, A., & Dailey, D. (2022). NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards: A guide to planning and implementing high-quality services (2nd ed.). [Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children and Council of Exceptional Children- The Association of the Gifted]. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Dailey, D., & Cotabish, A., (Eds.). (2017). Designing Innovative Engineering Instruction for High Ability Learners in K-8 Classrooms. [Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children]. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Cotabish, A., & Buchanan, M. (2021). Facilitating Meaningful Science Learning In a Virtual World, Teaching for High Potential, (May).
Cotabish, A., & Buchanan, M, (2021). Socially Scientific: Facilitating Problem-based Learning in a Virtual World. Teaching for High Potential, (February).
Cotabish, A., & Wake D. (2020). Culturally-responsive teaching: Yes, even in science! Teaching for High Potential, (November), 7.
Cotabish, A., Dailey, D., Corwith, S., Johnsen, S., Lee, C.W., Guibault, K. (2020). Ushering in the 2019 Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards. Gifted Child Today, 43(2), 135-140.
Cotabish, A. (2020). Inspiring the next African American scientist. Teaching for High Potential, (May), 13.
Trumble, J. Dailey, D., & Cotabish, A. (2020). PBL & the engineering design process for STEM learning. TEMPO Journal of the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, 40(1), 6-12.
Cotabish, A. (2020). 10 Edtech science trends in 2020. Teaching for High Potential, (February), 12-13.
Cotabish, A., Buchanan, M., & Dailey, D. (2022; in press). Science Curricular Considerations for Advanced Learners. In J. VanTassel-Baska & C. A. Little (Eds.), Content-based Curriculum for High-ability Learners, 4th ed. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Dailey, D., Trumble. J., & Cotabish, A. (2022, in press). Developing Experiences in Engineering Design Processes for Advanced Learners. In J. VanTassel-Baska & A. Little (Eds.), Content-based Curriculum for High-ability Learners, 4th ed. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Johnsen, S., Cotabish, A., & Dailey, D. (2022). Introduction to the revised programming standards. In Johnsen, S., Dailey, D. and Cotabish, A. (Ed.). NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards: A guide to planning and implementing high-quality services (2nd ed.). [Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children]. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Cotabish, A., & Guibault, K. (2022). Using the NAGC Standards to assess programmatic and professional learning. In Johnsen, S., Dailey, D., and Cotabish, A. (Ed.). NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards: A guide to planning and implementing high-quality services (2nd ed.). [Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children]. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Cotabish, A. (2019). Tenacity. In C. Gingrasso, WOW Factor: 52 Thoughts from Thought Leaders. Oviedo, FL” Higherlife Publishing.
Robinson, A., Dailey, D., Cotabish, A., Hughes, G., & Hall, T. (2014). STEM Starters: An Effective Model for Elementary Teachers and Students. In Robert E. Yager (Ed.), Exemplary Science Programs: Designs for Success, 10th ed. [Monograph: National Science Teachers Association] (pp. 1-18). Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Lee, C.W., Cotabish, A., Dailey, D., Johnsen, S., Corwith, S. Guilbault, K., & Pratt, D. (2020). Self-assess your P-12 practice or Program Using the NAGC Gifted Programming Standards (2nd ed.). [Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children].
Council for Exceptional Children [CEC] (2021). [1 of 9 contributing authors]. 2021 Practice-based Professional Preparation Standards for Special Educators of Students with Gifts and Talents. (Initial K-12 Teacher Preparation Standards; e.g, CAEP).
National Association for Gifted Children [NAGC] (2019). [1 of 5 contributing authors]. 2019 National Association for Gifted Children Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards. Service publication for the National Association for Gifted Children.
Cotabish, A. (2014). Current trends and legal issues in gifted education [curriculum module]. Arkansas Department of Education Beginning Administrators Program. ADE: Little Rock, AR.
Cotabish, A. (2014, November 14). Beyond Gifted Education. [Published review of the book Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing Advanced Academic Programs by S. Peters, M. Matthews, M. McBee & B. McCoach ]. Teachers College Record. Available from http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentId=17753
Dailey, D. , Cotabish, A., Corwith, S., Johnsen, S, Lee, C.W., Guibault, K. (2020, February 3). Update on the 2019 Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards. National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Insider (monthly newsletter).
Specialty Areas
STEM Education
Virtual Coaching Using Bug-In-The Ear Bluetooth Technology
Next Generation Science Standards and High Ability Learners
Gifted Education