UCA SuperKids

What is UCA SuperKids?

SuperKids represents the belief that all students are super and thus should have the opportunity to attend a hands-on science-based camp.

Who is eligible?

Any student that is entering 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade for the 2025-26 school year may attend.

Fees, Schedule, and Location

Program fees are $175 per student and are due at the time of registration. Each camper will need to bring a peanut/tree nut-free lunch each day. SuperKids will be held at the UCA Child Study Center (115 Farris Road) from 8:30-2:30, Monday-Thursday.


Three different sessions are available. Each student may choose one session:

June 9-12

June 16-19

June 23-26


Please have your credit/debit card ready before clicking on the registration link. Registration is not complete until payment is received.


A confirmation email will be sent when registration is complete. You will select the week during registration, but the confirmation email may display the incorrect date due to a glitch in the system we are working to resolve. This doesn’t impact the registration – it is simply a display issue.


For information or questions, contact superkids@uca.edu or call the UCA STEM Institute at 501-450-3426