UCA represents at APTA House of Delegates

Dr. Tipton, Dr. Forbush and Dr. Garrison at meeting with Arkansas sign.

Dr. Tipton, Dr. Forbush, Dr. Garrison – Arkansas

Drs. Tipton and Garrison standing outside in front of new building for APTA Headquarters.

Drs. Tipton and Garrison at new ATPA Headquarters

UCA faculty and alumni recently served nationally.  The APTA House of Delegates was held on September 10-13 in Washington, D.C. during the APTA 100 Year Gala celebration.   Dr. Steve Forbush, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Chief Delegate for Arkansas, Dr. Kevin Garrison, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Physical Therapy and Delegate for Arkansas as well as Dr. Park Tipton, Alumnus of UCA’s DPT Class of 2011, clinician for South Arkansas Rehabilitation in Monticello, Arkansas and Delegate for Arkansas.  The trio were able to attend the in-person House of Delegates.  We appreciate their service the profession of physical therapy on special occasions such as this as well as each and every day!   #APTA100   #UCABEARS