Drs. Lowe, Yates and Rainey Publish Article

Congratulations to Dr. Leah Lowe, Dr. Charlotte Yates both faculty members of the Department of Physical Therapy and Dr. Rainey, Associate Dean of the UCA College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, on their recent publication.  Drs. Lowe, Yates and Rainey also worked with Dr. Brian Odom a UCA alumnus and current Associate Professor at Harding University and Dr. Lisa VanHoose, a UCA alumnus, former faculty member and current Associate Professor and Director of the DPT Program at University of Louisiana, Monroe.  Their article is recently published in Advances in Skin & Wound Care.

Odom BH, Lowe L, VanHoose L, Rainey J, Yates C. Examining Factors That Contribute to Delayed Wound Healing in Children with Tracheostomy Wounds. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2020;33(3):1–4. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000653156.13611.34.