RHA Involvement & Programs

Ways to Get Involved with your Resident Housing Association (RHA):


Get Involved with RHA! Join RHA today as a representative of your housing hall or apartment by reaching out to your complex’s cub advisor or attending our meetings!


Cub Representative Responsibilities:

– Attend Bi-Weekly General Body Meetings.
– Provide Updates on the status of their hall/apartment.
– Host a program within their hall/apartment.
– Submit Budget Requests for their hall/apartment.

– Participate in RHA Events/Programs.

image; semester meetings

Connect With Us!



The Resident Housing Association (RHA) at UCA encourages campus involvement through a wide range of programming. Similar to student governments, it serves as the voice for students who live on campus. RHA also offers leadership opportunities through institutional events and regional/national conferences.


Imeril Johnson RHA vice presidentImeril Johnson – RHA President

The President’s Role:
The president serves to lead and represent RHA in all official institutional events, as well as, host RHA meetings.

Email Imeril

Ella Garner – Vice President

The Vice President’s Role:
The Vice-President acts as the leader for all RHA programming events, as well as, acts in place of the president when they are absent.

Email Ella

Abigail Bryant – National Communications Coordinator

The National Communications Coordinator Role:
The NCC serves as a liaison between UCA and all regional/national boards.

Email Abigail

image; Crystal Daniels RHA business managerCrystal Daniels – Business Manager

The Business Manager Role:
The Business Manager manages all of RHA’s finances and also acts as the RHA secretary.

Email Crystal