The DIBS process allows current residents the chance to stay where they are for the next year. Claim theĀ SAME ROOM for the next academic year (freshmen residence halls are not available to be chosen in the DIBS and Pick-a-Room processes). The DIBS process is allowed in many of our upperclassmen housing options.
The DIBS Process for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is from
March 3rd through March 7th, 2025
If you are not eligible for DIBS, you will receive an email from Housing to let you know about the Priority Room Selection process.
To reclaim your room follow these steps:
– Complete the Housing application for the upcoming academic year on in your MyHousing Portal
– Select the ‘Same Room DIBS Selection’ button along the top of the page
– Select the upcoming Fall Term
– Confirm that your current room is the room listed on the page and press ‘Select Your Old Bed’
– If you reach the confirmation page you are all set!