Faculty Senate Committees

2023-2024 Faculty Senate Committees


Executive Committee (2023-2024)


  • Vaughn Scribner (CAHSS)
  • Brent Shires (CAHSS)
  • Holly Langster (CHBSS)
  • Geoffrey Hill (COB)
  • Joe Thomas (COB)

Charge 1:

The Executive Committee consists of the Faculty Senate President, President-Elect, Parliamentarian, and Secretary. The Executive Committee shall make assignments to the other Faculty Senate Committees, serve as an advisory body to the Faculty Senate President, propose recommendations for the Senate’s consideration, propose amendments to the Faculty Association Constitution, and make recommendations on the by-laws of the Faculty Senate.


Committee on Committees (2023-2024)

Chair: Brent Shires, VP/President-Elect of Faculty Senate

  • Members (1 each academic college):
    • Paul Mayhew
    • Sean Engle
    • Deanna Kay Rice
    • Joe Thomas
    • Bernard Chen

Charge 1:

Identify faculty interested to serve on university level committees as appropriate and submit those names to the Faculty Senate. Work with academic colleges to fill other vacancies on university level committees. Deliberately work with the Faculty Handbook Committee on any inconsistencies in committee descriptions.  Research and recommend improvements to the current timing and process of filling vacancies on committees.


Academic Affairs Committee (2023-2024)

Chair: Ellen Hostetter

  • Members:
    • Paul Mayhew
    • Jeremy Horpedahl
    • K. Adele Okoli
    • Long Le
    • Jason Trumble
    • Stephanie Rose


Report on institutional conditions directly impacting academic quality in the areas of research, creative activity, and professional development and make recommendations for the improvement of academic support systems throughout the university.


Faculty Affairs Committee (2023-2024)

Chair: Joseph Thomas

  • Members:
    • Erin Shaw
    • Zach Smith
    • Renee Lebeau-Ford
    • Bernard Chen
    • Holly Langster
    • Loi Booher


The Faculty Affairs Committee charge for AY 2023-2024 is the establishment of a Faculty Lounge.  The Faculty Lounge Project is established to oversee the planning, design, and implementation of the faculty lounge, aiming to create a welcoming, functional, and comfortable space that promotes collaboration, relaxation, and well-being among our esteemed faculty members.


Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity Committee (2023-2024)

Chair: Ruby Mongno

  • Members:
    • Geoffrey Hill
    • Tori Dunlap
    • Sean Engle
    • David Keith
    • Deanna Rice


The DBIE committee will survey the faculty concerning morale, diversity, belonging and equity issues;  additionally, they will gather information about other such higher education organizations/committees and report back to the senate.