Dalton Thompson, CCED Student Intern for Spring 2022

My name is Dalton Thompson, and I am a current Senior at UCA studying Political Science and Public Administration. After graduating, I plan on attending law school and earning my Juris Doctor degree as well as a Masters of Public Administration so that I can become a Public Defender and be a resource of change for people in my community, wherever I land.

Currently, I serve as the first openly-gay President of the UCA Chapter of the Arkansas Young Democrats and as a State Committee Delegate for Faulkner County in the Democratic Party of Arkansas.

I’ve never felt a calling to a profession that wasn’t one of service. In the past, I’ve worked multiple service-oriented jobs and been a dedicated volunteer in my community.  Since 2014, I have spent my summer breaks at Camp Aldersgate in Little Rock, a camp dedicated to providing children with disabilities and chronic illnesses a summer camp experience they could not receive anywhere else! I’ve also worked in multiple healthcare facilities and seen firsthand the impact the coronavirus has had on communities in Arkansas; I worked as a Patient Transporter at St. Vincent’s in Little Rock, providing support for doctors and nursing staff, including COVID-19 units, in a time of serious uncertainty and fear. Today, I am a Pharmacy Technician in Conway and provide care for the sick and vulnerable in our community as we continue our fight against the coronavirus.

Few things matter more to me than my ultimate goal: giving back to the communities that have raised and shaped me. I proudly hail from the Windy City (Go Cubs, Go!), but remain just as proud of my family’s roots in Arkansas. I intend to use my education and professional skills to do all I can to support and strengthen my home and community in every way possible.

by Dalton Thompson