Birth to 3 Years Old

The UCA Speech-Language Hearing Center provides comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, screenings, therapy services and specialty programs for a variety of areas. Services are provided for a wide range of ages across the lifespan. The process of receiving help is simple. A diagnostic evaluation is completed to diagnose and determine if therapy services are needed. If therapy services are recommended, then those services will be scheduled as soon as possible.  Below, you will find a list of therapy services we provide for children from birth to 3 years old.

Autism Therapy

Feeding and Swallowing

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Hearing Evaluations

Language Therapy

Non-Speech Communication Therapy

Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy

For more therapy services that serve other age groups, please visit our Pre-K to 18 Years Old page and 19 Years Old to Adult page.

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