Apply for Upward Bound

Become an Upward Bound Student

Application Process

The UCA Upward Bound Program works with eligible students from five target high schools; Bigelow, Nemo Vista (Center Ridge), Morrilton, Mayflower, and Perryville. Students from these schools that are in the 9th or 10th grade should apply. Students must meet additional eligibility requirements from the US Department of Education. If you would like to apply please download the application from the link below. The application includes student information, parent information, a short biographical essay, and four faculty recommendation forms.  Also, please submit 2019 federal tax forms with the application. Staff will also review the student’s grades and test scores. The complete application and tax forms must be submitted before the student can start the interview process.

2022-2023 Upward Bound Application

The application is 14 pages including the Faculty recommendation pages, which are two pages each.  Please distribute the recommendation forms to your math, science, English and one additional teacher. The additional teacher can be a coach, counselor, sponsor, or just your favorite teacher. You can give the completed application to your high school counselor or the Upward Bound tutor at your school. You can also mail the application to our office.

Mail Application to:

UCA Upward Bound

201 Donaghey Main Hall 05

Conway, AR 72035

Interview Process

Upward Bound staff will interview the student either at the high school or at the Upward Bound office on the UCA campus. This is an informal interview that helps the staff get to know the student. After the student interview staff will interview the parents/guardians on the phone or at the Upward Bound office. Then after the interview process is complete staff will review the application, grades, and test scores. If the student is accepted they will start the probation/commitment period.

Probation/Commitment Period

All Upward Bound students must complete a 60 day probation/commitment period. During this time the student must attend all UB activities including tutoring two hours a week and Saturday academies once a month. If the student is admitted in the summer then he/she must attend a two week commitment/probation period during the summer academy. The only absences that would be excused are school activities. Students will earn stipends during this period, but would not be able to collect them unless they complete the probation/commitment period. After 60 days if the student has maintained good attendance and behavior then they would become a full Upward Bound member. However, if good attendance or behavior is not maintained or the student decides not to participate then all stipends would be forfeited.

How much will it cost?summer 2014

There is no cost to students or family, just the investment of time and enthusiasm for your future. Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education at an average annual cost of $250,000. Fifty-eight students from the five targeted schools are served each year.

**Non-Discriminatory Statement–Upward Bound does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, sex, handicap or national origin.