Department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing

Chair and Associate Professor: Sh. Meador (MFA), 852-5079

Distinguished Professor Emeritus: J. Anderson (PhD)

Professor: C. Fritzges (MFA), B. Hutchinson (PhD), S. Vanderslice (MFA, PhD)

Associate Professor: J. Case (PhD), M. Connor (PhD), K. Corson (PhD), S. Longhorn (MFA)

Assistant Professor: A. Brandao de Castro (MFA), L. Carlton (MFA), C. Churchill (MFA), A. Clark (MFA), K. Gam (MFA), T. Miller (PhD), E. Railsback (MFA), M. Thiedeman (MFA)

Lecturer I: A. Aschbrenner (MFA), C. Floyd (MFA), K. Styes-Pena (MFA)

[1] Purposes

The department offers professional training in the areas of film, theatre, and creative writing. It also seeks to educate interested non-professionals who seek to become participating members of a knowledgeable audience. Additionally, through publishing, literary readings, cinematic, and theatrical productions, students and faculty of the department share their work with the people of Arkansas.

[2] Facilities

State-of-the-art facilities support each program in the department. The Department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing is housed in Stanley Russ Hall, Snow Fine Arts Center, Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts, and Win Thompson Hall. Stanley Russ Hall includes a production soundstage, audio recording and mixing studios, a classroom computer lab, editing suites, production areas, and a 16-seat 4K screening room with surround sound. Theatre facilities include the state of the art James Bridges Black Box Theatre in the Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts; and classrooms, a well-equipped technical area, computer lab, a Black-Box studio theatre, and a 300-seat proscenium theatre in the Snow Fine Arts Center. Win Thompson Hall includes a computer lab and workshop specific classrooms for the Creative Writing program.

To jump directly to a particular program of study, use these links:

Degrees/Majors: BA, Film | BA, Theatre | BA, Creative Writing
Minor programs: Film | Theatre | Creative Writing

[3] Baccalaureate Degrees

Abbreviation Key – UCA Core Program

[3.1] Bachelor of Arts

[Back to program-of-study links]

The degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in Film requires the successful completion of 120 hours, including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using designated courses; (2) the core courses FILM 1305 and FILM 1310; (3) major requirements, electives, and related course requirements as described below; and (4) a minor as arranged through the student’s minor advisor.

Mathematics Pathway: First-time, first-year students majoring in Film enter the Quantitative Literacy Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1360 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit that completes their 1000-level math requirements.

[3.1.1] Major in Film (44 hours)

Undergraduate Core courses are used to satisfy the lower-division UCA Core requirement in Diversity, Critical Inquiry, Responsible Living, and Effective Communication, and FILM courses are used to satisfy the upper-division UCA Core requirements in Diversity, Critical Inquiry, Responsible Living, and Effective Communication. Students will take FILM 4357 Film Production 4 as the required UCA Core capstone.

Required courses (32 hours)

FILM 1305 Introduction to Film
FILM 1310 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
FILM 2310 Script Analysis
FILM 2466 Film Production 1
FILM 3350 Cinema History 1
FILM 3351 Cinema History 2 [UD UCA Core: D]
FILM 3456 Film Production 2
FILM 4315 Film Theory [UD UCA Core: I, R]
FILM 4356 Film Production 3 [UD UCA Core: C]
FILM 4357 Film Production 4 [UD UCA Core: Z]

Electives (12 hours, chosen from the following)

FILM 3321 Internship (120 clock hours)
FILM 3322 Directed Study in Film Production
FILM 3390 Micro Short Film
FILM 4305 Production Design
FILM 4311 Cinematography
FILM 4312 Cinematic Lighting
FILM 4320 Film Editing
FILM 4340 Directing the Motion Picture
FILM 4354 Animation for Visual Effects
FILM 4355 Visual Effects Compositing
FILM 4363 Audio Production and Design for Film
FILM 4373 Documentary Production
FILM 4375 Experimental Film Production
FILM 4380 Seminar in Film Studies
FILM 4V92 Topics in Film Production (Producing, Directing, etc.)
THEA 1370 Acting I
THEA 2320 Stage Make-Up
THEA 3310 Costume Design
THEA 3332 Stage Lighting
THEA 4311 Stage Combat
THEA 4340 Scene Design
CRWR 3320 Forms of Screenwriting
CRWR 3376 Screenwriting Workshop

[3.1.2] Related Course Requirement

Students must complete a three-credit-hour foreign language course at the 2000-level or above as well as all course prerequisites. Students with prior experience in a language are strongly encouraged to take the departmental placement test before enrolling in their first course. See Placement and Credit by Examination in the School of Language and Literature section of this bulletin. Note: CSD 2303 Basic Sign Language, CSD 4303 Intermediate Sign Language, and transferred Guided/Extended Study (i.e., correspondence) courses will not be accepted in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement.

[3.1.3] Minor in Film (22 hours)

[Back to program-of-study links]

Required (16 hours):

FILM 1305 Introduction to Film
FILM 1310 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
FILM 2310 Script Analysis
FILM 2466 Film Production 1
FILM 3350 Cinema History 1
FILM 4315 Film Theory [UD UCA Core: I, R]

Electives (6 hours, chosen from the following):

FILM 3350 Cinema History 1
FILM 3351 Cinema History 2 [UD UCA Core: D]
FILM 3456 Film Production 2
FILM 4305 Production Design
FILM 4311 Cinematography
FILM 4312 Cinematic Lighting
FILM 4315 Film Theory [UD UCA Core: I, R]
FILM 4320 Film Editing
FILM 4340 Directing the Motion Picture
FILM 4354 Animation for Visual Effects
FILM 4355 Visual Effects Compositing
FILM 4356 Film Production 3 [UD UCA Core: C]
FILM 4357 Film Production 4 [UD UCA Core: Z]
FILM 4363 Audio Production and Design for Film
FILM 4373 Documentary Production
FILM 4380 Seminar in Film Studies
FILM 4V92 Topics in Film Production
THEA 1370 Acting I
THEA 2320 Stage Make-Up
THEA 3310 Costume Design
THEA 3332 Stage Lighting
THEA 4311 Stage Combat
THEA 4340 Scene Design
CRWR 3320 Forms of Screenwriting
CRWR 3376 Screenwriting Workshop

[3.2] Bachelor of Arts in Theatre

[Back to program-of-study links]

The degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science with a major in Theatre requires the successful completion of 120 hours, including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using designated courses; (2) requirements for the major as described below; and (3) a minor as arranged through the student’s minor advisor.

Mathematics Pathway: First-time, first-year students majoring in Theatre enter the Quantitative Literacy Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1360 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit that completes their 1000-level math requirements.

[3.2.1] Major in Theatre (49 hours)

Undergraduate Core courses are used to satisfy the lower-division UCA Core requirement in Diversity, Critical Inquiry, Responsible Living, and Effective Communication, and Theatre courses are used to satisfy the upper-division UCA Core requirements in Diversity, Critical Inquiry, Responsible Living, and Effective Communication. Students will take THEA 4320 Directing as the required UCA Core capstone.

Required (30 hours):

THEA 1350 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 1360 Text Analysis
THEA 1370 Acting I
THEA 2325 Fundamentals of Theatrical Design
THEA 2331 Stagecraft
THEA 3324 Theatre History I [UD UCA Core: I]
THEA 3325 Theatre History II [UD UCA Core: C, D]
THEA 3332 Stage Lighting or THEA 3310 Costume Design or THEA 4340 Scene Design
THEA 4300 Professional Issues [UD UCA Core: R]
THEA 4320 Directing for the Stage [UD UCA Core: Z]

Electives (15 hours, chosen from the following):

THEA 2200 Dance for the Theatre
THEA 2320 Stage Make-Up
THEA 2330 Stage Management
THEA 2390 Acting II
THEA 3V50 Directed Study in Theatre (Variable credit, 1 to 3 hours)
THEA 3305 Scenic Painting for Theatre
THEA 3306 Prop Making
THEA 3310 Costume Design
THEA 3311 Costume Technology
THEA 3320 Digital Design
THEA 3326 Period Décor and Scenic Styles
THEA 3332 Stage Lighting
THEA 3390 Acting III: Performance Styles
THEA 3391 Acting III: Shakespeare
THEA 4305 Acting for the Camera
THEA 4311 Stage Combat
THEA 4315 Topics in Theatre Performance (May be repeated once under a different topic)
THEA 4321 Topics in Technical Theatre (May be repeated once under a different topic)
THEA 4322 Theatre Workshop
THEA 4V23 Theatre Internship
THEA 4326 History of Western Fashion
THEA 4340 Scene Design
THEA 4390 Audition Techniques

Required Application Courses (4 hours). Each course must be taken once and is repeatable up to five times.

THEA 3122 Theatre Practicum
THEA 4122 Technical Theatre Practicum


MCOM 3321 Internship
(Directed Study and Internship not included in hours for the major)

[3.2.2] Minor in Theatre (20 hours)

[Back to program-of-study links]

Required (6 hours):

THEA 1370 Acting I
THEA 2325 Fundamentals of Theatrical Design

Electives (12 hours – at least 9 hours to be upper division) from the following:

THEA 1350 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 1360 Text Analysis
THEA 1370 Acting I
THEA 2200 Dance for Theatre
THEA 2331 Stagecraft
THEA 2320 Stage Makeup
THEA 2330 Stage Management
THEA 2390 Acting II
THEA 3V50 Directed Study in Theatre (Variable credit, 1 to 3 hours)
THEA 3305 Scenic Painting for Theatre
THEA 3310 Costume Design
THEA 3320 Digital Design
THEA 3324 Theatre History I [UD UCA Core: I]
THEA 3325 Theatre History II [UD UCA Core: C, D]
THEA 3326 Period Décor and Scenic Styles
THEA 3332 Stage Lighting
THEA 3390 Acting III: Performance Styles
THEA 3391 Acting III: Shakespeare
THEA 4300 Professional Issues [UD UCA Core: R]
THEA 4305 Acting for the Camera
THEA 4311 Stage Combat
THEA 4315 Topics in Performance
(May be repeated once under a different topic)
THEA 4320 Directing for the Stage [UD UCA Core: Z]
THEA 4321 Topics in Technical Theatre
(May be repeated once under a different topic)
THEA 4322 Theatre Workshop
THEA 4V23 Theatre Internship
THEA 4340 Scene Design
THEA 4326 History of Western Fashion

Required Application courses (2 hours). Each course must be taken once and is repeatable up to five times.

THEA 3122 Theatre Practicum
THEA 4122 Technical Theatre Practicum

[3.3] Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing

[Back to program-of-study links]

The degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in Creative Writing requires the successful completion of 120 hours, including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using designated courses; (2) requirements for the major and related course requirements as described below; and (3) a minor as arranged through the student’s minor advisor.

Mathematics Pathway: First-time, first-year students majoring in Creative Writing enter the Quantitative Literacy Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1360 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit that completes their 1000-level math requirements.

[3.3.1] Major in Creative Writing (36 hours)

One Creative Writing required course (CRWR 2310, Introduction to Creative Writing) satisfies the lower-division UCA Core requirement in Diversity (D). Students may take CRWR 4324, Topics in Creative Writing, to satisfy the UCA Core capstone (Z) requirement.

Required courses (24 hours)

CRWR 2310 Introduction to Creative Writing [ACTS: ENGL2013]
WRID 3305 Writing as Information Design
6 hours CRWR “Forms” courses (CRWR 3320, 3321, 3325, 3330, 3331, 3335, or 3345)
6 hours CRWR “Workshop” courses (CRWR 3370, 3371, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 3377 or 3378)
6 hours CRWR 4324 “Topics” courses [UD UCA Core: Z]

Creative Writing Electives (12 hours chosen from the following)

CRWR 3320 Forms of Screenwriting [UD UCA Core: I]
CRWR 3321 Forms of Playwriting [UD UCA Core: I]
CRWR 3325 Forms of Poetry [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3330 Forms of Creative Nonfiction [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3331 Forms of Illustrated Narrative [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3335 Forms of Fiction [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3345 Forms of Writing for Children
CRWR 3370 Poetry Workshop
CRWR 3371 Fiction Workshop
CRWR 3372 Creative Nonfiction Workshop [UD UCA Core: C, R]
CRWR 3373 Illustrated Narrative Workshop [UD UCA Core: C]
CRWR 3374 Travel Writing Workshop
CRWR 3375 Writing for Children Workshop
CRWR 3376 Screenwriting Workshop
CRWR 3377 Genre Fiction Workshop
CRWR 3378 Playwriting Workshop
CRWR 4310 Visiting Writer Symposium
CRWR 4324 Topics in Creative Writing [UD UCA Core: Z]
CRWR 4330 Literary Citizenship and Professional Issues [UD UCA Core: C, R]
CRWR 4340 Teaching Creative Writing [UD UCA Core: D]
CRWR 4371 Novel Writing
CRWR 4372 Novella Writing
CRWR 4373 Novel Revision
CRWR 4V80 Directed Study in Creative Writing (variable credit, 1-3 credit hours)
CRWR 4V85 Internship in Creative Writing (variable credit, 1-3 credit hours)

Other Writing Electives

WRID 2325 Introduction to Rhetoric
WRID 2330 Introduction to Writing Studies
WRID 3306 Information Design II: Usability and Accessibility
WRID 3307 Introduction to Editing
WRID 3310 Technical Writing [UD UCA Core: C]
WRID 3315 Center for Writing and Communication Practicum
WRID 3340 Writing Acquisition: Theory and Practice
WRID 3390 Discourse Analysis [UD UCA Core: I, R]
WRID 4305 Composition Theory and Pedagogy
WRID 4306 Information Design III: Clients and Project Management
WRID 4308 Writing for Change [UD UCA Core: Z]
WRID 4309 Introduction to Publishing
WRID 4320 Intercultural Rhetoric and Writing [UD UCA Core: D]
WRID 4V80 Directed Study in Writing (variable credit, 1-3 credit hours)
WRID 4V85 Internship in Writing

Note on Prerequisites

Introduction to Creative Writing (CRWR 2310) is a prerequisite to taking upper-division creative writing classes. A genre-appropriate forms class (CRWR 3320-3345) must be taken before enrolling in a corresponding workshop class (CRWR 3370-3377). Before enrolling in a senior-level course, a student must complete six hours of upper-division creative writing courses.

[3.3.2] Related Course Requirement

  1. Students must complete a minimum of three hours of foreign language at any level.
  2. Students must take an additional three hours of foreign language (they need not all be in the same language), or they may choose three hours from the following list of approved courses: LING 2320, LING 2350, WLAN 1300 or WLAN 2315.

Students with no prior language experience should enroll in SPAN 1310, FREN 1310, GERM 1310, JAPN 1310, or CHIN 1410. Students with prior experience in a language are strongly encouraged to take the departmental placement test before enrolling in their first course. See Placement and Credit by Examination in the School of Language and Literature section of this bulletin. Note: CSD 2303 Basic Sign Language, CSD 4303 Intermediate Sign Language, and transferred Guided/Extended Study (i.e., correspondence) courses will not be accepted in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement.

[3.3.3] Minor in Creative Writing (21 hours)

[Back to program-of-study links]

Required courses (15 hours):

CRWR 2310 Introduction to Creative Writing [ACTS: ENGL2013]
WRID 3305 Writing as Information Design
3 hours CRWR “Forms” course (CRWR 3320, 3321, 3325, 3330, 3331, 3335, or 3345)
3 hours CRWR “Workshop” course (CRWR 3370, 3371, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 3377, or 3378)
CRWR 4324 Topics in Creative Writing [UD UCA Core: Z]

Electives (6 hours) from the following:

CRWR 3320 Forms of Screenwriting [UD UCA Core: I]
CRWR 3321 Forms of Playwriting [UD UCA Core: I]
CRWR 3325 Forms of Poetry [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3330 Forms of Creative Nonfiction [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3331 Forms of Illustrated Narrative [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3335 Forms of Fiction [UD UCA Core: D, I]
CRWR 3345 Forms of Writing For Children
CRWR 3370 Poetry Workshop
CRWR 3371 Fiction Workshop
CRWR 3372 Creative Nonfiction Workshop [UD UCA Core: C, R]
CRWR 3373 Illustrated Narrative Workshop [UD UCA Core: C]
CRWR 3374 Travel Writing Workshop
CRWR 3375 Workshop in Writing for Children
CRWR 3376 Screenwriting Workshop
CRWR 3377 Genre Fiction Workshop
CRWR 3378 Playwriting Workshop
CRWR 4310 Visiting Writer Symposium
CRWR 4324 Topics in Creative Writing [UD UCA Core: Z]
CRWR 4330 Literary Citizenship and Professional Issues [UD UCA Core: C, R]
CRWR 4340 Teaching Creative Writing [UD UCA Core: D]
CRWR 4371 Novel Writing
CRWR 4372 Novella Writing
CRWR 4373 Novel Revision
CRWR 4V80 Directed Study in Creative Writing (variable credit, 1-3 credit hours)
CRWR 4V85 Internship in Creative Writing (variable credit, 1-3 credit hours)

Other Writing Electives:

WRID 2325 Introduction to Rhetoric
WRID 2330 Introduction to Writing Studies
WRID 3306 Information Design II: Usability and Accessibility
WRID 3307 Introduction to Editing
WRID 3310 Technical Writing [UD UCA Core: C]
WRID 3315 Center for Writing and Communication Practicum
WRID 3340 Writing Acquisition: Theory and Practice
WRID 3390 Discourse Analysis [UD UCA Core: I, R]
WRID 4305 Composition Theory and Pedagogy
WRID 4306 Information Design III: Clients and Project Management
WRID 4308 Writing for Change [UD UCA Core: Z]
WRID 4309 Introduction to Publishing
WRID 4320 Intercultural Rhetoric and Writing [UD UCA Core: D]
WRID 4V80 Directed Study in Writing
WRID 4V85 Internship in Writing

Note on prerequisites:
CRWR 2310 Introduction to Creative Writing is a prerequisite to taking upper-division creative writing classes. A genre-appropriate forms class (CRWR 3320-3345) must be taken before enrolling in a corresponding workshop class (CRWR 3370-3377). Before enrolling in a senior-level course, a student must complete six hours of upper-division creative writing courses.

[4] Honors in Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing

Students who major in Film, Theatre, or Creative Writing and who demonstrate exceptional ability may be invited to enter the Honors in the Major Program. For details, see Honors in the Major Program.

[5] The Artists in Residence Series

Residencies bring professional performing and visual artists, creative writers, filmmakers, and arts exhibitions to the UCA campus for one or more days for the purpose of expanding student learning experiences. They offer the general student body performances, lectures, and exhibits that enlarge awareness and appreciation of the arts, and provide students participating in the arts with workshops, masterclasses, critiques, etc. that enhance understanding and professionalism.

In addition, the Arkatext Festival invites three to six distinguished writers to the campus each year. Visiting writers conduct workshops for students interested in creative writing and perform readings open to the community.

[6] Course Links (CRWR, FILM, THEA, WRID

Follow this link for CRWR course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for FILM course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for THEA course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for WRID course descriptions: course link