The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses among Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses identified in ACTS as having “No Comparable Course.” Additionally, courses in which a student has earned a “D” frequently do not transfer, and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet here: ADHE website.

In the Undergraduate Bulletin, beginning with the 2013–2014 issue, ACTS index numbers are included in relevant course lists and in the check sheet for the lower-division UCA Core.

Additionally, the following table lists UCA courses and their ACTS counterparts. A course number and/or name in red indicates local changes not yet reflected in the ACTS database.

NotesEffective in the fall term 2018, BIOL 2406 and 2407, Structure and Function of the Human Body I and II, became BIOL 3406 and 3407. These courses are no longer ACTS aligned courses. Beginning with the fall 2018 term, therefore, students transferring courses aligned with ACTS BIOL2404 and BIOL2414 to UCA will receive credit for UCA’s BIOL 1410 and BIOL 2410.

* From the ACTS description of Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II: For transferability, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II or equivalent must be taken at the same institution.

** Accounting and business courses are usually not considered general education core courses statewide. If in doubt, consult your academic advisor.

Page/table updated: May 17, 2023

ACCT 2310 **Principles of Financial AccountingACCT2003Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2311 **Principles of Accounting IIACCT2013Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 2321 **Legal Environment of BusinessBLAW2003Legal Environment of Business
ANTH 1302Introduction to AnthropologyANTH1013Introduction to Anthropology
ART 2300Art AppreciationARTA1003Art Appreciation
ART 2335Art History, Prehistoric to MedievalARTA2003Art History Survey I
ART 2336Art History, Renaissance to ModernARTA2103Art History Survey II
BIOL 1400Exploring Concepts in BiologyBIOL1004Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1401Exploring Ecology and the EnvironmentBIOL1004Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1402Exploring Human BiologyBIOL1004Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1410Human Anatomy and Physiology IBIOL2404Human Anatomy and Physiology I *
BIOL 1440Principles of Biology IBIOL1014Biology for Majors
BIOL 2410Human Anatomy and Physiology IIBIOL2414Human Anatomy and Physiology II *
BIOL 2411Microbiology in Human AffairsBIOL2004Introductory Microbiology
CHEM 1400Chemistry in SocietyCHEM1004Chemistry I for General Education
CHEM 1402General Chemistry for Health SciencesCHEM1214Chemistry I for Health Related Professions
CHEM 1450College Chemistry ICHEM1414Chemistry I for Science Majors
CHEM 1451College Chemistry IICHEM1424Chemistry II for Science Majors
CHEM 2450Introduction to Organic and BiochemistryCHEM1224Chemistry II for Health Related Professions
CISA 2330 **Business StatisticsBUSI2103Business Statistics
COMM 1300Principles of CommunicationSPCH1003Introduction to Oral Communication
CRWR 2310Introduction to Creative WritingENGL2013Introduction to Creative Writing
CSCI 1300Introduction to ComputingCPSI1003Introduction to Computers
CSCI 2310Introduction to Data ScienceDASC1003Introduction to Data Science
ECON 2320Principles of MacroeconomicsECON2103Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2321Principles of MicroeconomicsECON2203Principles of Microeconomics
ENGL 1320Interdisciplinary Writing and ResearchENGL1023Composition II
ENGL 1350Introduction to LiteratureENGL2713Introduction to Literature
ENGL 2305World Literature IENGL2113World Literature I
ENGL 2306World Literature IIENGL2123World Literature II
ENGL 2312American Literature IENGL2653American Literature I
ENGL 2313American Literature IIENGL2663American Literature II
ENGL 2316English Literature IENGL2673British Literature I
ENGL 2319English Literature IIENGL2683British Literature II
EXSS 1320Foundations of WellnessHEAL1003Personal Health
FREN 1310Elementary French IFREN1013French I
FREN 1320Elementary French IIFREN1023French II
FREN 2310Intermediate French IFREN2013French III
FREN 2320Intermediate French IIFREN2023French IV
GEOG 1300Geography of World RegionsGEOG2103World Regional Geography
GEOG 1305Principles of GeographyGEOG1103Introduction to Geography
GEOG 1315Introduction to Physical GeographyGEOG2223Physical Geography
GEOG 1320Human GeographyGEOG1113Human Geography
GEOG 1400Earth Systems SciencePHSC1104Earth Science
GERM 1310Elementary German IGERM1013German I
GERM 1320Elementary German IIGERM1023German II
GERM 2310Intermediate German IGERM2013German III
GERM 2320Intermediate German IIGERM2023German IV
HIST 1310World History IHIST1113World Civilizations I
HIST 1320World History IIHIST1123World Civilizations II
HIST 2301American Nation IHIST2113United States History I
HIST 2302American Nation IIHIST2123United States History II
HLTH 1320Essentials of Health and WellnessHEAL1003Personal Health
MATH 1360Quantitative LiteracyMATH1113Quantitative Literacy / Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 1365Mathematical Reasoning for Health Science ProfessionsMATH1113Quantitative Literacy / Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 1390College AlgebraMATH1103College Algebra
MATH 1392Plane TrigonometryMATH1203Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1395Business MathematicsMATH1113Quantitative Literacy / Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 1486Calculus PreparationMATH1305Pre-Calculus
MATH 1496Calculus IMATH2405Calculus I
MATH 1497Calculus IIMATH2505Calculus II
MATH 2311Elementary StatisticsMATH2103Introduction to Statistics
MATH 2471Calculus IIIMATH2603Calculus III
MGMT 2301 **Business CommunicationsBUSI2013Business Communications
MUS 2300Music AppreciationMUSC1003Music Appreciation
PHIL 1301Philosophy for LivingPHIL1103Philosophy
PHIL 2305Critical ThinkingPHIL1003Introduction to Critical Thinking
PHYS 1400Physical Science for General EducationPHSC1004Physical Science
PHYS 1401Descriptive AstronomyPHSC1204Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 1410College Physics 1PHYS2014Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics I
PHYS 1420College Physics 2PHYS2024Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics II
PHYS 1441University Physics 1PHYS2034Calculus-Based Physics I
PHYS 1442University Physics 2PHYS2044Calculus-Based Physics II
PSCI 1330United States Government & PoliticsPLSC2003American National Government
PSYC 1300General PsychologyPSYC1103General Psychology
PSYC 2370Developmental PsychologyPSYC2103Developmental Psychology
SOC 1300Principles of SociologySOCI1013Introduction to Sociology
SOC 2325Social ProblemsSOCI2013Social Problems
SPAN 1310Elementary Spanish ISPAN1013Spanish I
SPAN 1320Elementary Spanish IISPAN1023Spanish II
SPAN 2300Intermediate Spanish ISPAN2013Spanish III
SPAN 2310Intermediate Spanish IISPAN2023Spanish IV
THEA 2300Theatre AppreciationDRAM1003Theatre Appreciation
WRTG 1310Introduction to College WritingENGL1013Composition I
WRTG 1320Academic Writing and ResearchENGL1023Composition II