Welcome to our New Bears and returning Bears! As part of UCA’s Successful Student Campaign, faculty and staff will be sharing academic strategies and behaviors that we know (and studies prove!) can help you be successful both academically and personally. Make these practices a habit throughout the semester!
Week 1: GO To Class (and Participate!)
August 26-30
- Quick Tips: College classrooms are often more interactive than in high school. Most professors expect you to have done the pre-assigned work before class, and to participate in class. The syllabus might say attendance is optional, but it’s really not! GO TO CLASS!

Week 2: PLAN Your Time
September 2-6
- Quick Tips: College students quickly realize there are not enough hours in a week to get things done … unless you plan your time! Be sure to schedule time each day for studying (reading, writing, researching, reviewing notes), as well as exercising, working, eating, and sleeping. Set reminders on your phone and use a Planner. (Free ones are available in Student Success and Tutoring Services!) And make sure to “eat the frog” every day (complete the thing you least want to do first!).

Week 3: TAKE CARE of You
September 9-13
- Quick Tips: No one thinks well when they’re tired, hungry, or ill, so you need to take care of your mental and physical health to be a successful student. Be sure to schedule appointments with Student Health or Counseling if you’re not feeling well. And schedule in some fun time each week in your Planner! We all need fun and relaxation. Check out CubConnect for upcoming Campus activities and RSO events.

Week 4: DO the Work (On Time)
September 16-20
- Quick Tips: Don’t fall into the habit of putting off work until the last minute. Something always happens that makes you late getting it done, and late or missing work will lower your grades. DO plan your study schedule so that you are completing assignments on time and turning them in on time. DO check your syllabus and Blackboard for assignments and due dates regularly. If you’re struggling with this, talk to your professor or make an appointment with a Peer Success Coach through Navigate360.

Week 5: ASK for Help
September 23-27
- Quick Tips: The UCA campus is full of faculty and staff ready to help you solve whatever challenges you have, but you need to ASK. We’re not mind-readers. PLEASE seek out help when you need it. Don’t know where to start? Email studentsuccess@uca.edu or go to our website at studentsuccess@uca.edu and hit the Ask a Question or Get Help button!

Week 6: OWN Your Education
September 30 – October 4
- Quick Tips: The only person who can earn your degree is YOU! If you want a college education and a degree, YOU need to decide what you want to learn about and then do the work. If you’ve been struggling, it’s not too late to improve. Feeling unmotivated or unsure college is for you? Make an appointment to talk with your academic advisor, a peer success coach, or a counselor in the Counseling Center.

Week 7: KNOW Your Strengths
October 7-11
- Quick Tips: Students often focus more on skills they don’t have (yet) than the skills they do. College is a good time to identify your strengths – Are you a good public speaker? Do you write well? Is math your jam? Can you organize an event? – and then figure out how those skills can help you achieve your goals and purpose. Sure you may need to build new skills, but start with your strengths and build! It’s also good to develop a habit of working in groups (study groups!) where everyone contributes their strengths to the group’s success.

Week 8: FIND Your Communities
October 14-16
- Quick Tips: If you’re in Week 8 and still don’t feel like you belong, that’s ok. Forming relationships and meeting new people can take time. Be sure you are giving yourself the chance to find your peeps, though, by going to events, joining at least one student organization, and talking to your classmates. Check out CubConnect for events and RSOs (student organizations).

Follow Student Success on Instagram and watch your UCA email for more information on being a successful student!