Posted: 1/22/2025
Capernaum Young Life
I am serving as the Capernaum Young Life parent representative in Little Rock, AR. Young Life is a nation wide Christian based organization for kids ages 14-23. There are 7 different groups in Little Rock but Capernaum Young Life is for Special Needs Kids. Capernaum has a need for Buddies to come be a part of our every other Thursday night hang outs starting in January when public schools begin next semester. I thought of UCA. Students who are interested in pre- Allied Health fields, such as Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies would get first hand experiences and involvement in the special needs community, I believe it would be a win-win as it gives our friends at Capernaum Young Life a Buddy for their night. This will also give students hands on interactions with our friends. We play games, sing, have karaoke, small Bible story and fun.