Volunteer Opportunities


Good afternoon OT students & potential Acts Jr Volunteers!!

It is that time of the new year where we begin sharing dates and times with you all to volunteer again with Acts Jr!! You are receiving this email because our Acts Jr program here in Conway is run by UCA OT students and we would love to have you this Spring. As a volunteer you will get direct time with our kids of all abilities and volunteer hours on a certificate. Please follow this link to sign up for this semester to serve with us. We have attached the volunteer schedule below and we ask that you check the new times for this semester as we have moved practices from 4:30-6:15pm weekly on Mondays. Our first meeting for training will be Feb 10th newcomers from 3:30-5:30pm and returners from 4:30-5:30pm. Our first meeting with the kids will be the following week Feb 17th from 4:30-6:15pm at Second Baptist Church in Conway, AR. All meetings are listed on the handout below and will not be anticipated to change.
Here is the link to volunteer:
Please email us at the Acts Jr email, actsjrconway@gmail.com, if you have any questions and we would LOVE for you to invite your friends to volunteer with us!! If there is anyone you know that would like to volunteer with us send them our email and have them reach out. This is such an impactful program for both our participants and volunteers!
See y’all soon!!
The Drama Queens (Katherine, Gracie, Cora, and Alyssa)
 Posted:  1/24/2025

A Tim Tebow sponsored prom for teens and adults who have special needs.  We are still in need of volunteers to be buddies with our special guests.  As a buddy you will be paired with a guest for the evening and escort them around to the different activities (Red carpet, karaoke, dancing, interactive sensory room, dinner, etc).  Or most likely they will escort YOU around!!  It is one of my favorite days of the year, you will be so blessed by the joy this evening brings to guests and volunteers alike!!
The location is Connect Church in Russellville AR.  Friday, February 7th.
For questions you can email Rebecca Havner: rebeccaota5@gmail.com
Click on the link below to register, scroll down and click on VOLUNTEER (not guest) registration.  You will receive an email with further instructions and information after you register.  Please go ahead and register ASAP so we can plan accordingly. THANK YOU!!

Posted:  1/22/2025

Capernaum Young Life

I am serving as the Capernaum Young Life parent representative in Little Rock, AR.  Young Life is a nation wide Christian based organization for kids ages 14-23.  There are 7 different groups in Little Rock but Capernaum Young Life is for Special Needs Kids.  Capernaum has a need for Buddies to come be a part of our every other Thursday night hang outs starting in January when public schools begin next semester.   I thought of UCA. Students who are interested in pre- Allied Health fields, such as Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies would get first hand experiences and involvement in the special needs community,  I believe it would be a win-win as it gives our friends at Capernaum Young Life a Buddy for their night. This will also give students hands on interactions with our friends.  We play games, sing, have karaoke, small Bible story and fun.

We meet about 6 times on Thursdays from 7-8 pm at St. Andrew’s Church off Bowman Ave Little Rock.   We need about 5 students to come be a Buddy each of the Thursdays. There is no requirements to sign up except to have a willingness and have a big heart.  We will show you what to do.
I have included several information forms about Young Life and will leave my contact information for questions.  Please contact me for any questions that I may can help I will look to you to proceed from here. Again,  I so appreciate you and your willingness to help. I have also included our Capernaum leader, Hayden Harvey, who is willing to talk with you as well. Thank you so much.
In Him,
Amy Walker
Capernaum Young Life Parent Representative
Hayden Harvey
Capernaum Young Life Leader
Posted: 11/06/2024