The Department of Nursing at the University of Central Arkansas recently announced the award of four scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. Johnelle Hunt Scholarship Laura Gillis from Conway, Ark., has been selected as the recipient of the Johnelle Hunt Nursing Scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year. This scholarship is for a graduate nursing student, enrolled in the nurse … [Read more...]
Rec field breaks ground
UCA administrators and the Student Government Association broke ground on what will be a student recreational field on Tuesday, April 16. During the ceremony before about 20 people, SGA President Spencer Sims talked about how the field will enhance the full student experience for UCA students. The field will be located behind the Physical Plant and the HPER center. This project will … [Read more...]
UCA announces endowed professorship
The University of Central Arkansas announces the creation of the John W. Allison Entrepreneur Endowed Professorship Fund. This endowment will recognize teaching excellence and provide salary supplement for a professor in the areas of entrepreneurship or finance.The John W. Allison Professor will also be responsible for administering the John Allison Entrepreneurship Speaker Series. The … [Read more...]
College of Business professor offers insights
John Bratton, UCA professor of insurance and risk management, provided insights about auto insurance to in an article that went live today, April 17. The article entitled, “Peek beneath your car insurance rates,” was also picked up by Yahoo! Finance. In the article, Bratton answers a series of questions about auto insurance rates. enlists university professors … [Read more...]
New Rec Field to Break Ground
WHAT: Groundbreaking of student recreational field WHEN: 1:40 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, 2013 WHERE: Far south end of the parking lot east of the HPER Center DETAILS: The groundbreaking ceremony for a new student recreational football field will take place on Tuesday, April 16 at 1:40 p.m. This project will allow intramural teams to play two simultaneous flag football games … [Read more...]
Corporate representatives speak to students
Corporate representatives came to UCA to speak to students in communication and public relations classes at Thompson Hall as part of the annual “Exploring Your Career Field Day” on Friday, April 5. Over 50 students heard from company representatives who spoke about what is expected of students who apply for professional positions offered in the various corporations after graduation. The … [Read more...]
Inaugural Communication Week set for April 15-18
PRESS RELEASE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION April 9, 2013 CONTACT: Dr. Nelle Bedner, (501) 450-5601; INAUGURAL COMMUNICATION WEEK SET FOR UCA By Spencer Mercy College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office CONWAY — The University of Central Arkansas Department of Communication will host the first Communication Week on … [Read more...]
Board discusses retention and graduation rates
Student retention and graduation rates became the focus of much of the discussion during the UCA Board of Trustees budget workshop on Friday, April 5. The board met to discuss the budget for the next academic year, 2013-2014. They reviewed a variety of potential budget scenarios that included tuition increases and other budget modifications. During their discussion, the board also discussed … [Read more...]
UCA launches academic service learning program
The University of Central Arkansas (UCA) will launch its first academic Service-Learning program to advance student learning and make a positive impact on Conway and surrounding communities. Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich classroom learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen … [Read more...]
UCA Board to meet for workshop
The UCA Board of Trustees will meet at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 5, 2013 in the Board of Trustees Conference Room in Wingo Hall for a budget workshop. A copy of the budget booklet can be found at the following link: The board also will have a short action agenda at the beginning of the workshop. … [Read more...]