Mission and Organization

The Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research is an organization affiliated with the Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology at the University of Central Arkansas. The term “the Center” shall refer to the Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research and the term “Advisory Board” shall refer to the Advisory Board of the Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research.

The mission of the Center is to promote and facilitate outreach programs to the community, support student-based opportunities in archaeological fieldwork and research, assist with funding and mentor support for research projects, sponsor participation in the UCA archaeology field school, and help support student travel to conferences where students can present research.

A director shall be in charge of the operation of the Center and is responsible for seeing that the administration and activities of the Center conform to policies outlined by the University of Central Arkansas. The director shall be responsible for the operating budget of the Center, in which the fiscal year shall coincide with UCA fiscal calendar and run from July 1 through June 30.

An Advisory Board for the Center shall provide guidance to the Center in fulfilling its mission and exercise the knowledge and experience of its members in its advising of the Center. Members of the Advisory Board serve in an advisory role to the Center in identifying potential student-based programs and opportunities and help promote the Center and its mission to the broader community. The Advisory Board has no legal or fiduciary responsibility to the Center or to the University of Central Arkansas and members shall serve without pay. The director of the Center shall nominate members of the Advisory Board.

Membership of the Advisory Board shall consist of six members that reflect a broad representation of history and archaeology within Arkansas from the following:

1. Local Community
2. Faulkner County Museum
3. University of Central Arkansas Staff or Faculty
4. University of Central Arkansas Student Alumni
5. Arkansas Archaeological Survey
6. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program

Upon establishment of the Advisory Board, terms shall fall under the following organization to ensure staggered term expirations:

1. Local Community (1 year)
2. Faulkner County Museum (1 year)
3. University of Central Arkansas Staff or Faculty (2 years)
4. University of Central Arkansas Student Alumni (2 years)
5. Arkansas Archaeological Survey (3 years)
6. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (3 years)

After establishment of the Advisory Board and initial terms have expired, all members of the advisory board shall serve a term of two (2) years and may be reappointed for additional terms.

The Advisory Board shall hold one annual meeting held at the end of the fiscal year (June). Meetings will occur using teleconferencing tools and coordinated by the director of the Center. The director of the Center may call special meetings as deemed necessary. During the meeting of the Advisory Board, the director shall submit an annual report on the activities of the Center and make recommendations for the future as appropriate.