The UCA Debate and Forensics Achievements

Three UCA students holding their debate awards.The UCA Debate and Forensics team finds success in recent competitions.

This semester, the Debate team attended competitions across the state and country, competing
with other college students in their craft.

In November, three team members represented UCA at the 55th annual Arkansas Student
Congress. These students each brought home individual and team achievements.


Karlie Holland and Michael Isaac each received awards for excellent in caucus. Additionally,
Holland received an award for Best Senate Bill. Isaac was also recognized for excellence in

Rebecca Pool received the third place award for Best Senate Bill. Pool’s bill would protect used
car buyers from being scammed into buying vehicles that have been totaled and repaired. In the
Student Congress, Pool’s bill was passed by both houses, making it a law in congress.

Pool’s success at the Arkansas Student Congress convicted her to officially join the Debate and
Forensics team at UCA.

Junior Public Relations major Caroline Moore is also a newer member to the team.

“I joined UCA debate in September of this year. I had no experience previously, so I was
nervous when I first began,” Moore said.

Despite being new to the world of debate, Moore jumped right in, attending competitions and
winning awards.

“I made it to the octofinals and won awards for both out-of-state debates I attended this
semester! One was at Lee College and the other was hosted at LSU – Shreveport,” Moore said.

Junior Liz Roa also joined the debate team at UCA this semester; however, she had some prior
experience with debate.

“I did [debate] at the community college in Batesville,” Roa said, “It is a great experience. You
get to learn a lot and meet new people.”

After a successful semester, the Debate and Forensics team is looking to keep growing and
getting better.

Moore said she has goals as the social media manager for the team.

“As the social media manager for UCA Debate and Forensics club, my goals are to raise more
money to fund more opportunities for our students,” Moore said.

During the fall semester, the club met weekly on Monday evenings in Thompson Hall.

Always open to new members, the club encourages students to check out what Debate and
Forensics is, and that the skills learned from it are useful across the board.

“Everyone can gain something from UCA’s amazing Debate and Forensics club. I am much less
hesitant when public speaking comes up in my classes. Debate has also curated my critical
thinking skills since I have now learned to thrive under pressure,” Moore said.

Article by UCA Journalism major, Ashlyn Taylor.