School of Communication Spring 2020 Graduates!

The School of Communication is so very proud of our Spring 2020 graduates! We asked our graduates what some of their favorite things were about UCA, along with what their plans are for the future:

Courtney M Clark
Major: Communication, Minor: Psychology

“The thing that I have loved the most about this experience has been the growth that I have seen in myself. I have learned how to be more effective in my communication, and that has given me visibly more confidence as a person. I am a better version of myself because of my college experience!
I want to use my degree to better other individuals’ lives.”



Courtney has plans to be in ministry as well as to work in the secular workforce in a very people-focused environment. Her education in communication will be beneficial in both areas of her future.

Miranda Daily
Major: Public Relations Minor: Marketing and Spanish

“The best thing about the School of Communication, specifically being in the public relations program, are the friends I have made. Since our classes are small we became a tight knit group as we got older. My peers have become some of my closest friends and they have made my time at UCA unforgettable.”



After graduation, Miranda will start her job at the Conductor in Conway as the Event and Program Coordinator.

Jacob Holland
Major: Public Relations and Political Science Minor: Honors Interdisciplinary Studies 

“I have loved my professors at UCA and in the SoC. They have truly helped shape me into the scholar I am today.”



Jacob will be attending law school at the University of Arkansas this fall and plans to open his own joint law/public relations firm in the future. 

Amber Morrow
Major: Public Relations Minor: Film

“My favorite thing about the University of Central Arkansas is the amount of diversity among the campus and the people I have met. Being a part of the SoC has given me the opportunity to be a part of an organization where I always feel welcome and included in everything we bring to the table. I love my major because it has given me a sense of community we bring to the SoC and pushed me to grow for the past 4 years. Attending the University of Central Arkansas has been challenging, but the most rewarding experience.”


Amber plans to use her degree to work in public relations or a related field to gain more experience. In the coming years she plans to attend Graduate School.

Christine Nicole Nichols
Major: Public Relations Minor: Film

“I fell in love – reluctantly and unexpectedly with UCA, the School of Communication and, most of all, with the study of Public Relations. I chose it as a ‘practical’ minor to serve as a plan B to the career in film I was chasing before my junior year. I was quickly swept off my feet by the concepts of PR however. After 13 classes filled with theories, assignments and reflections, I finally understand WHY I love PR: It proves again and again the true power of the people. I can demonstrate through theory and a hundred examples why being ethical in business is GOOD for business.”

“When the C-suite doesn’t care about safe labor, fair wages, environmental damage and societal problems, I can persuade them to be ethical. Being an irresponsible and unethical business has MONETARY consequences and I can prove it. When a CEO proposes an operational change to use child labor, to decrease employee wages or to substitute a environmentally safe material for a hazardous one, I can stop that from happening. Through the mastery of public relations theories, concepts and history, I have more power than I ever thought I could and I plan to use it.”

Andrea Sarah Perkins
Major: Communication Minor: Public Relations

“The SoC is a special place. I couldn’t be more grateful for professors who pour in to us academically and mentor us as individuals! I loved going to class every day because of the close-knit community in the SoC.”




Andrea plans to stay in central Arkansas and use her degree in the public relations field.

Bronwyn Story
Major: Journalism, Broadcast Emphasis Minor: Communication

“The best thing about UCA truly is the community. Within the School of Communication, the professors sincerely care about your success and you as a student. The journalism program is filled with professionals who have mastered their craft and want to help others do the same. Without them, I would not have found my calling of broadcast journalism! That is something I can never repay!”



Bronwyn plans to use her degree to pursue a career in sports journalism.


Mason Willett
Major: Communication and Public Relations

“I loved UCA because of the Communication department. I believe there’s no other major where your professors and classmates feel like family. I’ve found lifelong friends on this campus.”