Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Inclusive teaching is about cultivating a learning environment in which students with a variety of backgrounds, learning modalities, and abilities are equally valued, supported, and engaged. It embraces diversity and involves a commitment to recognizing and minimizing the potential for exclusion, in everything from content design to instructional strategies to classroom layout.

There is no single way to implement inclusive teaching and learning. In fact, most instructors have implemented these strategies without having identified them as being inclusive!


The representation of various differences of individuals; usually tracked by race, gender, sexual identity, age, neurodiversity, ability, education, and SES.


Engagement of diverse communities involving decision-making that impacts the policies and practices of the organization.


Structures of power and privilege that eliminate disparities of historically underrepresented groups.



Presentation: Conversations with Faculty About DBIE

Screenshot of Zoom sessionHosted by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership (CETAL), UCA faculty and interested staff joined for a presentation of national and local contexts for the urgency and importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, along with a discussion of strategies for embodying and modeling antiracism and antiracist pedagogies in our classes. This presentation was presented and recorded on July 10, 2020.

Watch the video presentation



Inclusive Pedagogy

Inclusive Teaching Practices Toolkit
The Association of Colleges and University Educators (ACUE) offers a set of free resources, including 10 inclusive teaching practices that can be immediately put to use to benefit both faculty and their students. These practices are tailored for online teaching but are also relevant to the physical classroom.

How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive
Traditional teaching methods do not serve all students well. The Chronicle for Higher Education offers this guide for any faculty member who believes that education can be an equalizer.

Inclusive Pedagogies Presentation: Beyond Office Hours and Safe Spaces
This presentation from a Fall 2019 Learning Lunch explores pedagogical barriers to student success and offers suggestions for modifying our pedagogy to create inclusive learning spaces that promote the success of all students, regardless of their group identities.

Guide to Inclusive Teaching at Columbia
This guide is appropriate for faculty and instructors who are familiar with inclusive teaching, as well as those beginning their journey to create an inclusive learning environment.

Critical Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
Service-learning gives faculty members an opportunity to teach students the real-world applications of academic concepts, instill civic responsibility, challenge preconceived notions, and engage students in experiential learning. This expansive collection of articles, webinars, videos, and LibGuides targets service-learning engagement with diversity, equity, and inclusion at its center.

Service-Learning Reading List
This expansive list of articles and readings contains additional information on service-learning and civic engagement.

Anti-Racist Pedagogy

UCA LibGuide: Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Inclusive Classroom
This guide is a collaborative effort of the 2020-2021 UCA Faculty Senate Executive Committee and CTE.

UCA LibGuide: Black Lives Matter
This LibGuide is here to help connect people with resources and information they may be looking for on the subject of Black Lives Matter.