Faculty Development Grants

Faculty development grants are intended to strengthen the quality of teaching at UCA. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership administers the awarding of competitive instructional improvement grants, which are reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee five times per year. Applications for consideration will include explanatory details pertaining to the professional development activity, an itemized budget, and approvals from the applicant’s chair and dean.

Funding Amounts

For the 2024-2025 academic year there is $20,000 available for faculty development grants divided across five deadlines: September 29, November 15, January 31, March 15, and April 15. Grants will typically be funded up to $500 per applicant.

The Farris Faculty Development Grant was established in 2006 when former UCA President Jeff Farris and his wife Patsy endowed a $25,000 fund designated for faculty development. Guidelines for this grant are the same as those for regular faculty development grants, except that funds can roll over into the next fiscal year and are reserved for activities scheduled during summer months.

Eligible Activities

This program is provided to support faculty development activities related to enhancing teaching effectiveness and/or developing curriculum. Acceptable activities or meetings may focus on instructional design, content, or pedagogy. The activity should be justified by explaining how it will improve the applicant’s teaching. In addition to funding off-campus activities, FDG money is also used to fund relevant online professional development in teaching as well as bring speakers to campus to engage in professional development for a group of faculty. For specific details on eligible activities, please review the Faculty Development Grant Guidelines.

Note: Travel to a professional conference where sessions are primarily oriented to disciplinary research is typically not supported.

Application Deadlines

Opportunities to apply for a Faculty Development Grant are offered five times per academic year:

  • September 30
  • November 15
  • January 31
  • March 14
  • April 15
    Travel or activities must cross fiscal years to qualify (i.e., July, August, or September). Limited funds available.

Following each deadline, the application are reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee. Applicants will receive notification of awards within two weeks of the committee review.

Application Procedure

Step 1: Review the faculty development grant guidelines.

Step 2: Download and complete the faculty development application

Step 3: Upload and submit your application online.

Additional funding opportunities for faculty projects are also available through the UCA Foundation. For more information, visit the Foundation Faculty Grants website.