Assessment Areas


The Office of Assessment support three major areas in Program-level assessment.  These areas include:

Academic Assessment

Academic Assessment (AA) is commonly referred to as Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Assessment.  The University of Central Arkansas actively assesses Program-level student learning outcomes as a means to systematically implement continuous improvement.  Programs are also encouraged to provide Program-level and Department-level metric performance (i.e., graduation rate, SAP) to demonstrate the complete picture of the program’s performance.

Co-Curricular Assessment

Co-Curricular Assessment (CA) focuses on the contributions of the co-curricular units to the overall educational experience and mission of the institution.  Co-curricular units face a plurality in their continuous improvement efforts, as they often have both student learning outcomes and key performance indicators that communicate each unit’s success.

Support Unit Assessment

Support Unit Assessment (SUA) is geared towards the continuous improvement of those units who work to maintain the overall campus learning environment, but do not have student learning outcomes.  These units report on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as they work towards continuous improvement.