Student Excellence Marks Conclusion of Spring Semester

In the Spring 2024 semester, ACRE was able to sponsor several students to travel to conferences on economics and related issues. Two of the major ones were the Women in Economics Symposium in St. Louis and the Society of Business, Industry and Economics conference in Florida. Here are some of the highlights of those two conferences […]

Wrapping Up a Remarkable Semester

By ACRE Director Jeremy Horpedahl From reading groups and guest speakers, to professional development for educators and media mentions by the White House, ACRE has had another successful semester of economics, education, and policy research. We hope you’ve been able to come to one of our events on campus, or read some of our many […]

New Faces at ACRE: Meet Heidi Saliba and Elise Ormonde

By Aahna Combs The Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE) welcomes Heidi Saliba and Elise Ormonde as two new, dynamic team members. These gifted people offer a multitude of expertise, a variety of skill sets, and a common enthusiasm for improving not only Arkansas’s economic climate but the lives of all individuals who reside […]

2023 Colloquium Fosters Conversations on Racial Classification

By Terra Aquia, Educational Programs Manager The ACRE Colloquium brings together students and faculty from universities across the state of Arkansas. Attendees spend a weekend reading and discussing economic topics from collections of primary & secondary sources. The 2023 Colloquium program was organized by Dr. Wendy Lucas, History Chair and Professor at the University of […]

Fall Speaker Series Welcomed Emily Hamilton

By Elise Ormonde, ACRE Research & Program Coordinator The Arkansas Center for Research in Economics continued its Fall 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series with a presentation from Dr. Emily Hamilton on October 26. Dr. Hamilton is a Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Urbanity Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Her research […]

Arkansas Center for Research in Economics Awards 70 Scholarships this Academic Year

by Michelle Stoll, ACRE Communications Manager Each semester, The Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE) gives UCA students the opportunity to apply for scholarships by participating in one of its weekly reading groups, such as the economics group, law group, philosophy group and Biz@Bear group. This academic year $28,700 was awarded for 70 reading […]

UCA Undergraduates Attend Women in Economics Symposium

By Terra Aquia, ACRE Program Coordinator During the legislative session ACRE staff are frequently focused on bills and testifying before committee. But our dedication to education and outreach to students is a pillar of ACRE’s mission and presents opportunities for student involvement year-round. Recently, ACRE Policy Analyst Dr. Joyce Ajayi and ACRE Program Coordinator Terra […]