ACRE Reading Groups

Fall 2024 Reading Group


Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Will be offered on Wednesday evenings, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, from September 11 – November 20, 2024 in the College of Business, room 307. Drs. Anthony McMullen and Jacob Held will lead the discussions.

Contemporary Policy Debates

Will be offered on Monday evenings, 5:00 -7:00 pm, from September 9 – November 18, 2024 in the College of Business, room 302. Dr. Collin Hodges will lead the discussions.


ACRE reading groups consist of weekly meetings lead by UCA professors. Students may apply to both reading groups, but are only eligible to participate in one group per semester. The reading group $400 Scholarship is awarded to students who fully participate over the course of the program. Students who do not actively participate each week, are consistently tardy, or are absent without legitimate reason will be ineligible for the scholarship. Books, meals and materials are also provided at no charge.

Want to check out our past reading group topics? Click here! Or watch the below video to get an idea of what an ACRE reading group could be like for you.