By Caleb Taylor
ACRE Legislative Research Associate Dr. Nathan Smith recently testified in favor of legislation removing barriers to work to certain cosmetology workers
House Bill 1746 delicenses shampooers and exempts those who provide “simple” hairstyling services from being required to complete 1500 training hours to get a cosmetology license.
Smith said at a House Public Health, Welfare and Labor committee meeting on April 1st that the law would allow for more individual choice and for more market choice.
Smith said:
We all shampoo, blow dry and style our hair. You don’t add risk by having a professional do that for you. The only legitimate reason to have a license is for public health and safety. When that’s not at stake, it should be left to individual choices and markets to decide how a service is going to be provided.”
It was passed into law and is now Act 957.
You can watch Smith’s testimony here (starts at 10:38 a.m.).