Department of Mathematics

Chair and Associate Professor: L. Booher (PhD), 450-3614

Professor: D. Arrigo (PhD), W. Liu (PhD)

Associate Professor: T. Abel (PhD), Y. Dong (PhD), J. Fetterly (PhD), F. Hickling (PhD), L. Le (PhD), S. Mahmood (PhD), J. Martin (PhD), J. Nakarmi (PhD), N. Sahin (PhD)

Assistant Professor: A. Sanjari (PhD)

Lecturer II: G. Johnson (EdD)

Lecturer I: T. Chism (MS), H. Hurley (MA)

[1] Purposes

Through programs in mathematics, applied mathematics, and mathematics education, the undergraduate mathematics curriculum furnishes the necessary background for specialization in technical fields, graduate study in mathematics, teaching mathematics at elementary, middle, and secondary levels, and work in business, industry, and government.

[2] Advanced Placement

The Department of Mathematics awards advanced placement credit to students who score at a certain level on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination. Credit for Calculus I is awarded to any student who scores three or higher on the Calculus AB exam. Credit for Calculus I and Calculus II is awarded to any student who scores three or higher on the Calculus BC exam. Credit for Elementary Statistics (MATH 2311) is awarded to any student who scores three or higher on the AP Statistics exam.

[3] Honors in Mathematics

Students who major in Mathematics and who demonstrate exceptional ability may be invited to enter the Honors in the Major Program. For details, see Honors in the Major Program.

To jump directly to a particular program of study, use these links:

Degree/major: BS, Mathematics

Tracks (BS): Pure Math | Applied Math | Data Science | Math Ed

Minor programs: Minor in Math | Minor in Statistics

[4] Baccalaureate Degree

Abbreviation Key – UCA Core Program

[4.1] Bachelor of Science

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The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in mathematics requires successful completion of at least 120 hours including (1) the UCA Core: complete 38 hours to meet lower-division UCA Core requirements and complete upper-division UCA Core requirements using major, minor, or elective courses (see the UCA Core requirements); (2) major requirements listed below; and (3) a minor approved by the student’s minor advisor.

Mathematics Pathways: First-time, first-year students majoring in Mathematics enter the College Algebra Mathematics Pathway and must enroll in MATH 1390 during their first year of study, unless they have been awarded credit for MATH 1390. Students with an ACT Math subscore between 22 and 26 should enroll in MATH 1486 Calculus Preparation. Students with an ACT Math subscore of 27 or greater should enroll in MATH 1496 Calculus I.

The BS Program in Mathematics at the University of Central Arkansas is designed to meet the needs of students who pursue careers in teaching, business, government, and advanced studies. Several tracks—Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Data Science, and Mathematics Education—offer students a variety of pathways to achieve their educational and career goals.

[4.1.1] BS Mathematics Core Requirements (24 hours)

All tracks of the BS in Mathematics require completion of a 24-hour core consisting of the following courses.

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2335 Transition to Advanced Mathematics [See Note 1.]
MATH 2341 Mathematical Computation
MATH 2471 Calculus III
MATH 3320 Linear Algebra [UD UCA Core: I]
MATH 4371 Introduction to Probability Theory [UD UCA Core: R] [See Note 2.]

Note 1

MATH 2335 is not required for students in the Data Science track.

Note 2

MATH 4371 is not required for students in the Mathematics Education track.

[4.1.2] Pure Mathematics Track (45 hours)

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This is a standard pure math track, offering excellent preparation that integrates critical thinking and problem solving and culminates in a mastery of mathematical skills needed to succeed in careers in business, government, industry, or advanced studies. This track requires a minor.

In addition to the mathematics core, this track needs the following:

Required Courses (15 hours)

MATH 3311 Statistical Methods
MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I [UD UCA Core: C]
MATH 3360 Introduction to Rings and Fields
MATH 3362 Introduction to Group Theory
MATH 4362 Advanced Calculus I [UD UCA Core: Z]

Choose Two Electives (6 hours)

MATH 3391 Non-Parametric Statistics
MATH 3392 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4305 Ordinary Differential Equations II
MATH 4306 Modeling and Simulation [UD UCA Core: Z]
MATH 4315 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4316 Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics for Fluid and Granular Materials
MATH 4330 Mathematical Modeling in Biology
MATH 4340 Numerical Methods
MATH 4363 Advanced Calculus II
MATH 4372 Introduction to Statistics Inference
MATH 4373 Regression Analysis
MATH 4374 Introductions to Stochastic Processes
MATH 4375 Introduction Topology I
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis
MATH 4391 Machine Learning

[4.1.3] Applied Mathematics Track (42 hours)

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This is a standard applied math track, offering excellent preparation that integrates technology, critical thinking, and problem solving and culminates in a mastery of mathematical skills needed to succeed in careers in business, government, industry, or advanced studies. Students pursuing this track should choose PHYS 1440, PHYS 1441, or CHEM 1450 to satisfy the UCA Core physical science requirement. This could help reduce the related requirements, given below, by four credit hours. A student in this track who chooses the economics minor will automatically satisfy the related requirements by taking ECON 2320 and ECON 2321.

This track requires a minor.

In addition to the mathematics core, this track needs the following:

Required Courses (12 hours)

MATH 3311 Statistical Methods
MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I [UD UCA Core: C]
MATH 4306 Modeling and Simulation [UD UCA Core: Z]
MATH 4315 Partial Differential Equations OR MATH 4340 Numerical Methods OR MATH 4373 Regression Analysis

Choose Two Electives (6 hours)

MATH 3360 Introduction to Rings and Fields
MATH 3362 Introduction to Group Theory
MATH 3391 Non-Parametric Statistics
MATH 3392 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4305 Ordinary Differential Equations II
MATH 4315 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4316 Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics for Fluid and Granular Materials
MATH 4330 Mathematical Modeling in Biology
MATH 4340 Numerical Methods
MATH 4362 Advanced Calculus I [UD UCA Core: Z]
MATH 4363 Advanced Calculus II
MATH 4373 Regression Analysis
MATH 4374 Introduction to Stochastic Processing
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis
MATH 4391 Machine Learning

Related Requirements (6–8 hours)

PHYS 1410 and 1420 OR
PHYS 1441 and 1442 OR
CHEM 1450 and 1451 OR
ECON 2320 and 2321 OR
CSCI 1470 and 1480

[4.1.4] Mathematics Education Track (63 hours)

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This is a standard mathematics education track, offering excellent preparation for middle or high school teacher licensure in mathematics. This track requires the 16-17 hour Math Education minor. This program integrates technology, critical thinking and problem solving, and pedagogy, culminating in a mastery of mathematical skills needed to succeed as a middle or secondary school teacher.

In addition to the mathematics core and Math Education minor, this track requires the following:

Required Courses (36 hours)

MATH 3311 Statistical Methods
MATH 3360 Introduction to Rings and Fields
MATH 3370 Mathematics in Secondary Schools
MATH 4301 Secondary Mathematics Methods [UD UCA Core: C]
MATH 4313 Functions and Modeling
MATH 4345 College Geometry
MATH 4350 Introduction to the History of Mathematics [UD UCA Core: D]
MAH 4360 Teaching Internship I
MATH 4T90 Teaching Internship II [UD UCA Core: Z]

Choose two (2) of the following (6 hours)

MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I [UD UCA Core: C]
MATH 3354 Concepts of Discrete Mathematics
MATH 3362 Group Theory
MATH 3381 Data Cleaning and Visualization
MATH 3392 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4306 Modeling and Simulation [UD UCA Core: Z]
MATH 4362 Advanced Calculus [UD UCA Core: Z]
MATH 4371 Introduction to Probability Theory [UD UCA Core: R]
MATH 4373 Regression Analysis
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis

[4.1.5] Data Science Track (42 hours)

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Over the last two decades, computing speed, memory, and storage has risen dramatically. Even small businesses have started collecting and analyzing metrics to streamline their processes, identify emerging markets, and make financial forecasts. As a result, there is a huge demand for data analysts both in private and public sectors.

The Data Science track prepares students to meet this demand by equipping them with the computing, statistical, analytical, and business skills needed in the field of data science. This mixed toolset enables students to analyze a wide variety of data sets using appropriate statistical methods, and to convey their findings in plain English so that the business analysts can make well-informed decisions. This track requires a minor (a minor in computer science is recommended).

In addition to 21 hours of mathematics core courses, this track requires the following:

Required Data Science Track Courses (15 hours)

MATH 3311 Statistical Methods
MATH 4373 Regression Analysis
MATH 3392 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4391 Machine Learning
MATH 4395 Practicum in Data Science [UD UCA Core: Z]

Electives (6 hours required, chosen from the courses list below)

At least one elective course must be selected from the following: MATH 3381, MATH 3391, MATH 4372, MATH 4374, MATH 4392, or MATH 4381 when the topic is statistics.

MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I
MATH 3360 Introduction to Rings and Fields
MATH 3362 Introduction to Group Theory
MATH 3381 Data Cleaning & Visualization
MATH 3391 Non-Parametric Statistics
MATH 4306 Modeling and Simulation
MATH 4315 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4316 Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics for Fluid Mechanics and Granular Materials
MATH 4330 Mathematical Modeling in Biology
MATH 4340 Numerical Methods
MATH 4362 Advanced Calculus I
MATH 4363 Advanced Calculus II
MATH 4372 Introduction to Statistical Inference
MATH 4374 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
MATH 4375 Introduction to Topology I
MATH 4381 Special Topics (may be taken more than once if topics differ)
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis
MATH 4392 Time Series and Forecasting

Electives for Related Requirement (6-8 hours)

Students are required to select one of the following pairs of courses:

CISA 4355 & CISA 4380 OR
CSCI 1470 & CSCI 1480 OR
ECON 2320 & ECON 2321 OR
ECON 3301 & ECON 3302 OR
BIOL 1440 & BIOL 1441 OR
INSU 3324 & ECON 2320 (or ECON 2321)

Minor: Computer Science is strongly encouraged.

[4.2] Minors

[4.2.1] Minor in Mathematics (17-18 hours)

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Required courses for a pure mathematics emphasis (11 hours)

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2335 Transition to Advanced Mathematics

Choose two Electives (6-7 hours)

MATH 2471 Calculus III
MATH 3320 Linear Algebra [UD UCA Core: I]
MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I [UD UCA Core: C]
MATH 3360 Introduction to Rings and Fields
MATH 3362 Introduction to Group Theory
MATH 4371 Introduction to Probability Theory [UD UCA Core: R]
MATH 4375 Introduction Topology I
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis


Required courses for an applied mathematics emphasis (11 hours)

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 3331 Ordinary Differential Equations I [UD UCA Core: C]

Choose two Electives (6-7 hours)

MATH 2471 Calculus III
MATH 3311 Statistical Methods
MATH 3320 Linear Algebra [UD UCA Core: I]
MATH 3362 Introduction to Group Theory
MATH 4340 Numerical Methods
MATH 4371 Introduction to Probability Theory [UD UCA Core: R]
MATH 4385 Complex Analysis


Required courses for a mathematics instruction* emphasis (11 hours)

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 3370 Mathematics in the Secondary Schools

Choose two electives (6 hours)

MATH 3354 Concepts of Discrete Mathematics
MATH 4301 Secondary Mathematics Methods
MATH 4313 Functions and Modeling
MATH 4345 College Geometry
MATH 4350 Introduction to the History of Mathematics
*Note: This emphasis does not lead to licensure for teacher preparation.

[4.2.2] Minor in Statistics / Data Science(20-21 hours)

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Required Courses (14 or 15 hours)

MATH 1496 Calculus I
MATH 1497 Calculus II
MATH 2341 Introduction to Mathematical Computation, or CSCI 1470 Computer Science I
MATH 3311 Statistical Methods

Choose two electives (6 hours)

MATH 3320 Linear Algebra (Prerequisite: MATH 1497) [UD UCA Core: I]
MATH 3381 Data Cleaning and Visualization
MATH 3392 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4371 Introduction to Probability Theory (Prerequisite: MATH 1497) [UD UCA Core: R]
MATH 4373 Regression Analysis
MATH 4391 Machine Learning
MATH 4392 Time Series and Forecasting

[5] Graduate Degrees in Mathematics

See Graduate Bulletin.

[6] Course Links

[6.1] Courses in Mathematics (MATH)

Follow this link for MATH course descriptions: course link.

[6.2] Transitional Courses in Mathematics (UNIV)

See Transitional Courses (UNIV) for transitional courses in mathematics.