Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts
Performance spaces:
James M. Bridges Blackbox Theatre
The James M. Bridges Blackbox Theatre in the Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts is a state-of-the-art blackbox, with adjustable stadium style seating, and walkable grid and an adjoining shop area for both scenery and painting.
Snow Fine Arts

Photo credit: Ashleigh Plastiras
The UCA Theatre Department is housed in the Snow Fine Arts Center (SFA). SFA is located at the heart of the UCA campus. Parking is located within walking distance of the theatre. A covered awning drive-up is in the front of the facility and handicapped ramp access is at the rear of the theatre. Please allow ample time for parking. Click here to view a map.
Performance spaces:
Bridges/Larson Theatre
The Bridges/Larson Theatre in the Snow Fine Arts Center is a fully equipped, 300 seat proscenium stage with adjoining shop areas for both properties and costume construction.
Black Box Theatre
The Black Box Theatre is a fully equipped space located in the Snow Fine Arts Center Studio 210.