What is Army ROTC?
The Army Reserve Officer’s Training Corps prepares college students to receive a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army.
By taking a class in the ROTC program, am I joining the Army?
No. Students who enroll do not join the Army immediately. They take Military Science classes for which they receive elective college credit. There is no commitment until a cadet contracts.
What expenses might I have as an ROTC contracted cadet?
Ideally, none. Contracted cadets receive stipends to cover monthly expenses, and can pursue scholarships to cover tuition and books. Your entire uniform and necessary items are fitted and supplied by the Battalion, removing any cost and financial stress to you.
What is the weekly commitment for Army ROTC?
ROTC includes weekly events such as physical training (PT), class, and lab. PT is one hour on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Class is two hours a week and lab is three hours. As a non-contracted Cadet, class is the only mandatory event, but attendance to each event is highly recommended. Contracted Cadets must attend every event.
What additional courses can I pursue through Army ROTC?
Army ROTC offers competitive slots for summer training to cadets, where they train and certify alongside soldiers in the regular Army.
- Airborne school is a 3-week school that contains five parachute jumps and the receipt of the Airborne badge for your uniform.
- Air Assault school is a two-and-a-half-week school that contains five fast-rope insertions and the receipt of the Air Assault badge for your uniform.
- CULP, the Cultural Understanding & Language Proficiency Program, lets cadets spend up to three weeks immersed in a foreign culture to learn more about the language and customs.
What happens upon completion of the 4-year ROTC program?
Once you receive a commission in the United States Army may serve on Active Duty, the Army Reserve, or the National Guard. The length of service is usually 8 years – 4 years active duty and 4 years reserve. However, there are various service obligations for different types of cadets, so please contact us for more information.
What if I’m not a Freshman? Am I too late to join Army ROTC?
It’s possible to start the program at any time. Take a look at the ROTC requirements you’ll need to complete the curriculum and then contact us so we can help you work out your schedule.