Olson recognized as national 'Star'

Sandra Olson, the Acquisitions Supervisor at UCA's Torreyson Library, this week was named a "Star" by ALA-APA: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees. Olson, who also is the ALA/LSSIRT Vice President/President Elect, was nominated for the recognition for how she "touched lives through her work in libraries." … [Read more...]

UCA commencement exercises to mark centennial

The University of Central Arkansas on May 5 will hold commencement exercises for the 2007 Spring semester as the institution celebrates its 100th anniversary. The activities will include three separate ceremonies at the UCA Farris Center to confer degrees. At each ceremony, UCA President Lu Hardin will deliver an address to the graduates. James Bridges and Mary Lowe Good will receive honorary … [Read more...]

UCA professor featured at Ark. Literary Festival

UCA Honors College professor Allison Wallace this weekend will discuss her recently published book, "A Keeper of Bees: Notes on Hive and Home," at the Arkansas Literary Festival in Little Rock. This year's festival includes nationally recognized authors like Christopher Hitchens, Nikki Giovanni and Milton Viorst. Wallace's session is scheduled to take place at 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Cox … [Read more...]

Candlelight vigil planned to honor Va. Tech victims

The UCA Student Government Association on Monday will hold a candlelight vigil to honor the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy. All members of the UCA community are invited to participate in the vigil, which will begin at 5 p.m. in front of the fountain at Harding Centennial Plaza. … [Read more...]

UCA to host national summer conference

UCA will be one of only five universities in the nation this year to host a summer conference for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. The gathering will take place July 18-20 and will include five intensive workshops on different aspects of K-12 physical education. UCA Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education chair Dr. Debbie Howell-Creswell played a key role in … [Read more...]

UCA to host Arkansas History Day

UCA will host over 400 high school students and their teachers, parents and other family members at the annual History Day in Arkansas state competition this Saturday, April 21. Humanities scholars from UCA and other Arkansas academic institutions, museums and archival facilities will judge the presentations, and Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter will preside at the Awards Ceremony, which will take … [Read more...]

Research poster symposium tomorrow

UCA's College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will host its 13th Annual Student Research Poster Symposium tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. on the ground floor of the Mathematics/Computer Science/Technology building. Over 66 posters will be on display, representing the work of 78 students. Refreshments will be served. … [Read more...]

UCA in the news: Log Cabin praises debate bid

Conway's daily newspaper, the Log Cabin Democrat, in its editorial yesterday called UCA's bid to host a 2008 presidential debate "another example that UCA President Lu Hardin is dedicated to competing with the "big boys." "If UCA can get the bid, we think it would be a great thing to expose the high quality of life and educational emphasis on Conway," the Log Cabin wrote. "It will not only be … [Read more...]

UCA Centennial artist selection process begins

The UCA?s Alumni Circle Public Art Selection Panel this month started the process of choosing the artist for the Centennial project. Dr. Gayle Seymour, chair of the UCA Public Art Committee and interim dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication, said the selection panel met for the first time April 10 to discuss the 150 submissions from 32 states, many of whom are nationally known artists … [Read more...]

All-day celebration of UCA nature reserve set for Saturday

UCA will host an all-day celebration of the Jewel Moore Nature Reserve this Saturday, April 21, highlighted by a rededication ceremony at 10 a.m. Biologists will lead tours and activities throughout the day, on topics that will include birds, insects, wildflowers, wetlands, and fire ecology. The events are free and open to the public. For more information and a full schedule, contact the UCA … [Read more...]