The Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre at UCA has completed casting for 2008 Festival after a high turnout and widespread interest. This years acting company will feature performers from all over Arkansas as well as several professional theatre artists from New York. "We were amazed at the turn-out," said Producing Artistic Director Matt Chiorini. "We saw about 110 people -- up from 48 last year -- … [Read more...]
UCA Debate Team continues successful run
The UCA Debate Team recently finished a three-week stretch of success that is effectively preparing them for the National IPDA Debate Tournament, which will take place at the end of March. Chris White, a freshman Political Science major, went 6-0 at the Louisiana State University … [Read more...]
UCA faculty news
Mark Spitzer, assistant professor of Writing, recently had his new book of poetry Age of the Demon Tools published by Ahadada Books (Japan/Ontario). Sherri Latimer and Shannon Johnson from UCA's University College recently published an article titled … [Read more...]
UCA film professor publishes book
Joseph D. Anderson, professor of digital filmmaking and chair of the Department of Mass Communication and Theatre at UCA, recently had his third book, Narration and Spectatorship in Moving Images, published by Cambridge Scholars Press. Anderson is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of film theory, and this book is a selection of essays from the 2006 Society for Cognitive Studies … [Read more...]
UCA dean named distinguished alumna
Sally Roden, dean of undergraduate studies at UCA, has been named a 2008 Distinguished Alumna of Texas Woman's University. The award, given jointly by TWU and its Former Students Association, recognizes alumni who have brought honor to their alma mater by outstanding achievements in their chosen professions or who have made notable civic, educational, or philanthropic contributions to … [Read more...]
UCA staff member and graduate student honored
UCA staff member Chris Collins and graduate student Danielle Joanette recently were honored for their contributions to UCA and Housing and Residence Life at the 2008 Southwest Association of College and University Housing Officers (SWACUHO) conference. Collins, a Maintenance Supervisor for Housing and Residence Life, received the Bob Cooke Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes service, … [Read more...]
UCA faculty news
UCA political science professor Gary Wekkin and recent UCA graduate Jared Stewart won the Southwestern Political Science Association's 2007 Allan Saxe Best Paper on State and Local Politics Award for their paper, "Moral Values or Presidential Coattails?: Did Gay Marriage Ballot Measures Boost Social Conservative Support for Republican Candidates in 2004?" which was co-authored with Andrew Dowdle … [Read more...]
UCA to unveil offical ring
The UCA Alumni Association and Association of Future Alumni will unveil the design of the new UCA Official Ring at a ceremony next Tuesday, March 11 at 1:45 pm in the UCA Student Center Ballroom. The new ring, designed in cooperation with Balfour, will feature elements that symbolize the unique traditions of UCA. All UCA graduates will be able to purchase the ring and wear it with pride, … [Read more...]
Composer Michael Daugherty to be UCA artist-in-residence
Michael Daugherty, one of the most performed and commissioned American composers of concert music of his generation, will be at the University of Central Arkansas March 17-19 as artist in residence. Daugherty, professor of music at the University of Michigan, has received numerous awards, including the Stoeger Prize from the Lincoln Center Chamber Music Society, the American Academy and Institute … [Read more...]
UCA Minority Student Services hosts event for incoming minority freshmen
UCA Minority Student Services on Monday unveiled a new program targeted at incoming minority freshmen, "A Slice of UCA." The event was designed to better prepare incoming minority freshmen for the enrollment process at UCA. Over 40 students and their parents were invited to attend a day-long workshop about financial aid, academic advising and housing. The presenters for the workshop came from … [Read more...]